Weekend failure...



  • ForABetterMe89
    Wow thanks guys. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who has a rough time, or a dirty husband, lol. It's hard to get to the park or walk right now because it's just so frigid outside and with a one year old son I'd rather not get him sick. When the days are warm though we do get out for walks, like yesterday. I know I have to get up earlier on the weekends to work out it's just soooo hard when I'm already up early every other day during the week, lol. All in all I had a bad weekend and ate out twice. However, when I went to BK I had a chicken sandwich and literally dupmed half my onion ring our and threw the other away right that second. And later that night when my mom suckering me into kfc I order a sandwich, which when I realized it wasn't all that great I just threw it away rather than continuing to eat it. All in all, I didn't gain any weight, I continued to lose, the alcohol was the only thing that put me over in calories.