Need some motivation after weight gain

I've been doing 5:2 diet with 2x500 calorie days and 4x1200 calorie days then 1 pig out day where i eat what i want. I've found that i plateaued at 8st7 (im 5"4) and then went down to 8st4 and then randomly went back up to 8st7. I work out 5 days a week (usually 30 day shred or Josies 30 second workout dvd) and I walk atleast 30 minutes a day.
Just wondered if upping calories to 1300-1400.
Feeling really depressed cos all my effort to lose weight has been wasted if my body is gonna randomly gain for no reason!!! :(


  • MoparMatt
    MoparMatt Posts: 15 Member
    if i am translating to lbs correctly, 8.7 Stone is about 122 lbs, for someone who is 5'4" is seems like that is a great weight, in the healthy range. Reading your profile it seems like your goal is more to get into a smaller size, is that correct? It is normal to have some weight fluctuation. Running your numbers through a BMR calculator, you are eating way to little, your BMR is about 1392 calories, meaning if you slept all day, and did no walking or exercise you would burn 1392 calories.
    From reading this, i would bet that your weight gain is due to your body going into starvation mode, you should eat at least 20% above the BMR. With 5 days a week of excersize the BMR Calculator at suggests a daily intake of about 2077 calories.

    Yes you will gain some weight initially, but you will then be able to loose and maintain easier, 500 calories a day is not healthy and not a sustainable lifestyle.
    Check out the podcast at, they have some great insight on this, the current episode talks about a former model who admits she ruined her metabolism due to these super low calorie diets, and other topics for truly sustainable weightloss
  • MoparMatt
    MoparMatt Posts: 15 Member
  • EllieYuruker
    EllieYuruker Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you, will take a look! x