

  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
  • PCOS_Gal
    I am so glad someone posted about this! I am having SERIOUS body image issues due to my post par-tum body c-section belly. My first pregnancy (which was 3-4 years ago) I gained the same amount of weight and weighed the same, I was able to have a normal birthing experience and do not remember my belly being so flabby. I also have a significant Diastasis Recti that I didn't have last time, which is also making my belly poof out, almost making me appear as if I am still pregnant.

    I know I am still hormonal and everything (my baby is only 2 1/2 months old), but I really can't look at myself in the mirror and I don't want to be naked in front of my husband (my husband is not affected by the way my body looks and says I look beautiful, but I really want to cover up my abdomen when I am in front of him) I have literally cried about the way my belly looks and the size of my pannis or what people call "muffin top"

    I know mood affects motivation, which is why I just joined this forum. So thanks to those that have already posted about how they were able to get their bellies back.
  • jrsnyder95
    jrsnyder95 Posts: 53 Member
    that being said, anyone know of some good exercises for our lower tummies??
  • 250mrsb
    250mrsb Posts: 33 Member
    I had my daughter naturally, but had an emerg. hysterectomy 2 weeks later so I have a HUGE scar and no feeling. I do bicycle crunches, and they seem to work slowly but surely.