Hi from Norwich, UK

Hi everyone. I've been lurking on here for a while, getting to grips with the app, and started viewing the message boards recently. I'm being won over with this definately. I've done the usuals, weight watchers, slimming world and even cambridge diet, but find that being the master of my own destiny is the best so far. I'm finding this so easy to stick too and along with the iphone app, it makes it so easy where ever I am.

I'm 34, always struggled with weight, but have a strong base underneath my "winter coat" from weight training when I was younger. So Im not sure what weight I want to get too. When I feel right and happy with the way I look, I'll maintain that.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone, and thanks for the great ideas, inspriring stories and laughs you all provide.

I'll see you all on the other side!!


  • rachellefitz
    You have a great mindset! If you want any help with motivation feel free to friend me :)