Beware the equipment hoarder!

So, this dude at the gym nearly caused me to have a serious injury. I was using the TRX equipment (which has space enough for three people on there at any one time, mind you), and I was doing oblique twists, which required me to turn and look away from time to time. As I did this, a guy starts stockpiling equipment under the TRX scaffolding like he’s hunkering down in his own personal fort-- we’re talking 8 dumbbells, a mat, a foam roller, a balance ball, barbell, and a couple of resistance bands. Hoarder levels for sure. At any rate, when I wasn’t looking, this guy started spreading out the stuff so that it took up the entire area, including the space DIRECTLY BEHIND ME. I took one step back after my set and my foot caught the edge of the barbell, throwing me off balance and landing me HARD on my backside. This guy was promptly lectured to by the gym’s staff and asked to work out elsewhere in the building, but as a victim of his shenanigans, I’m officially bruised and achey today...

I've seen people leave weights and towels all over the place before, but never a full-blown equipment hoarder. Anyone else deal with something similar? ...Or are YOU a hoarder yourself? :grumble:


  • CherV96
    Hate those people! Can you imagine what their house looks like if that show they are in public?