Outdoor Running Fail

I am scheduled to run a 5K on March 16th with several member of my department. I haven't done any running in about 7 years and then I only trained for a couple 5Ks and when I completed them I quite running.

I learned back then that the training on the tread did not even begin to prepare me for running outdoors. I had to actually start nearly at the beginning of the training program (C25K) and do it all outside.

This time, with that knowledge, I did all my training on the track at my gym. Sunday I decided the trail was devoid enough of ice/snow that I would attempt my first outing. Needless to say, running on a completely level track also did not prepare me for the slight changes in elevation and other conditions of outdoor running. I am well into week #7 of the program and should be able to run 25 minutes easily; this was definitely NOT the case. I wheezed and panted like I had never run before!! I ended up taking 2 short walk breaks and ended the run 3 minutes early!! UGH

In defense, I ran about noon and most of my workouts are very early morning. I also had not had anything but a slice of homemade banana bread to eat and only coffee to drink. I am harboring the slightest of colds and the rest of my family is horribly sick. So, let me believe that all these things contributed to my poor showing on the trail. Not really the stuff of champions.

But, I will get back on the trail after work today and see if I can do a better job. I only have a couple of weeks before my event and I do NOT want to look like an idiot with all my younger, fitter co-workers at this 5K!!


  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Sounds like the perfect time for you to be out there, almost acclimatising yourself to the great outdoors!

    But yes, eating better before might make it slightly less of a shock - by Next week, you'll probably be feeling much, much better about this.
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    I did the same thing the first time I did the C25K. Was so disappointed. I am running on the treadmill doing the program this time as well. I am hoping by the time I am done it I can get outside and start the gateway to 8k. Good luck!!
  • fitgal05
    fitgal05 Posts: 149
    Good for you. I"m doing my first 5K this weekend and one on the 17th. Let me know how it goes!
  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member
    Just keep at it!
    I started the C25K and am in week 3. I only run outdoors on the trails in my subdivision that are gravel/rocks and pavement so I can get used to the different traction and elevations.
    I have my 1st 5K coming up on March 26!