Hello Everyone!

My name is Melissa and I've been a member on here for a long time, but have never posted or added any friends. I'm thinking if I start to socialize more it will be easier to achieve my goals. I am an assistant office manager of a long term living facility and a mother of 3. I have a 9 year old son and twin girls that will be 7 next month. We live in Syracuse, Indiana which is a small town about 40 minutes North of Fort Wayne. I have been slowly losing weight, but I'm at 147 and it seems like every time I get to this weight, I immediately begin to gain weight again and it's really frustrating. I am 5'3" and my goal weight is to be 130, but I will be happy just to get over this hump that I can never seem to get over! I have definitely changed my eating habits in the past several weeks (NO soda, cut back on red meat, lots of water, almonds, haven't even had cheese) and have attempted to do cardio a few times a week. One thing that I have changed and hope that it is helping is that when I'm watching tv at night with my family I've been in the floor doing planks or situps or something to get me stretched and to keep moving. I really just want to feel comfortable in my own body and to gain the motivation to go the extra mile in workouts, which currently is not the case... I Hope everyone is having a great day!


  • rachellefitz
    Making those changes will really help! I'll be happy to help support you through this plateau stage! feel free to add me :)
  • mskitson
    mskitson Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much! I just don't understand what I need to change in order to get over that hump and it drives me bananas! I really think having friends that I can support and that can support me will help a lot.