Hockey workout

Not sure if anyone else does something like this while watching hockey games at home, but I just started and am loving it! I made a workout to watch during the Jets games, which I have posted below. I feel better about doing this while watching hockey rather than sitting on my couch and eating unhealthy snacks! Feel free to add anything to it that I may have forgotten.

Jets score – 50 bicycle crunches (change to your home team)
Other team scores – Plank with dumbbell lift (10 per arm)
Offside – 25 jumping jacks
Icing – 50 mountain climbers
Tripping penalty – 60 second plank
High stick penalty – 30 crunches
Boarding penalty – 20 lunges (10 per leg)
Hooking penalty – 20 back extensions (superman)
Fight – 60 second wall sit
Delay of game – 20 jump squats
Goaltender interference – 10 tricep dips
Timeout – 15 burpees
Puck goes into mesh – 20 dumbbell curls
Goalie covers puck, resulting in whistle - 15 push ups


  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    LOVE this idea. Can't wait to share it with my husband. Thanks for the tip.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    This is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing. Sometimes I'll do push-ups for the number of shots in the game, but this takes it to a whole new level. I love it and will have to try it out!
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    Hmm, I remember doing something like this when I was in college - but it involved beer instead. ;-)
  • mains_adam25
    mains_adam25 Posts: 382 Member
    this is fantastic i love it and go Flyers!!! lol
  • volleygirl1980
    volleygirl1980 Posts: 121 Member
    Great idea!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Hmm, I remember doing something like this when I was in college - but it involved beer instead. ;-)

    Great plan, but I'm afraid it would interfere with my beer-drinking and telling the ref he sucks! :tongue: