At what point does your brain recognize your loss??

Hi all!

At what point do you feel like your brain recognizes your loss? I've lost a good amount of weight once before, but never really saw myself as the thin-ish person I was then.

Now this time, with a good amount of weight coming off so far, and still a ways to go until I reach my goal, I think my head still "sees" me as a bigger person. I'm wearing smaller pants and can see some changes, but really, when I think of me, I don't think thin or that it's noticeable that I've lost 14 pounds recently.

When did you start to really notice a change in who you saw in the mirror?


  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    you can see the difference in the photos in my profile - but there are still times when i look in the mirror and don't really see the difference.

    I see it more in photos
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    To be honest, I have literally registered it properly in the last 2 weeks and I've been working at this now since October 2011 so that's 5 months.
    I knew my body was changing before but I have only started to really love it, feel confident and embrace it as of the last 2 weeks. I think it helps I compared my before photos to some current photos and I also showed that to people and their reactions have really helped me to realise that I have made so much progress.
    Also, the scales are moving at a weekly pace at the moment so that's good motivation! I am only 1.9kgs away from my goal weight that I set myself a long time ago and I remember when that felt completely unachievable.

    So I'd say it's taken me about 4 months to really acknowledge any proper changes to my body and when I look back at pictures I realise I should have been noticing changes a lot sooner.

    You will find the day for you, it will happen.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    10 year ago, I lost 72 lbs and was very very thin compared to what I had been. I Never felt thin, I always thought of myself as the same overweight person in my head. Its not that I still thought I was physically overweight, but I still felt the same inside, if that makes sense. Once I gained the weight back, I looked back at pictures and realized I had never felt any different back then.
    This time, I have lost 41 lbs so far, and I constantly try to remind myself of what I used to look like and feel like, compared to what I look like and feel like now. I look at pictures, hold on to the big clothes, etc.. so hopefully, it will register in my head this time around. After being overweight for pretty much all of my life, it is hard to suddenly make your head see you as something different.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I'm hoping for an answer myself. I'm down a lot of weight, 5-6 clothes sizes, a little over a foot around, and I don't see any difference-at all.