Any help is most appreciated

Hello MFP, I'm in need of a little guidance. I'm a 30 year old female, 5' 8" and now 228 lbs. I have lost 64 lbs using the old fashioned hard work and calorie counting. I have around 50 more to lose and I want to be certain I'm doing things right. I don't have the funds to spend on trainers, or nutritionists so I rely on researching and trial and error. Lately my weight loss seems to be slowing down and it's more discouraging than I had expected. I exercise 3 to 4 times a week, an hour each time, and mostly cardio. I've read that strength training is also important but I don't know what is correct to use in regards to how much weight I use, for how long, and how often. So, I've started using pilates for a work out change and consider it my strength training portion. It stretches and tests my muscles and will hopefully aid in toning.

I admit that I don't understand the calorie give and take and I think that might be part of my problem. I consume an average of 1,300 calories a day, I watch my carb intake, I eat plenty of raw/cooked veggies and protein and allow myself "good" fats such as olive oils, Greek yogurt, and plenty of fiber. I drink about 100 ounces of water a day and only have black coffee (also take a multivitamin and fish oil) When I read the do's and don't's in dieting I find I -do- nearly everything possible but my weight loss is slow. I'm told I should eat more calories to balance what I burn, but I eat nearly all day, just good foods.

Can anyone offer advice? Am I over doing it or being impatient? I want to do this as healthily as I can and still have good results.


  • kcallas88
    I stopped loosing weight a while back and after seeing a personal training, I was told I was doing entirely too much cardio. I was considering skinny fat and had a high bf percentage considering I had lost a lot of weight for my body.

    I managed to get a copy of p90x for cheap cheap off Craigslist and have been doing that. My weight has dropped slightly, but I've noticed I'm more toned and I look better. If you can't get p90x, I'd suggest looking online or YouTube for strength training routines at home. You can even do Jillian michaels 30 day shred off of YouTube.

    I would definitely suggest dropping the cardio to 2-3 days a week and doing at least 3 strength training workouts. Mine are about an hour long. I wish I would of started strength training earlier. Just saying its my experience. Also, try having about a gram of protein per lb of body weight.

    Hope this helps slightly!!!! Feel free to message me anymore questions!!
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    "I've read that strength training is also important but I don't know what is correct to use in regards to how much weight I use, for how long, and how often."

    1300 total is too low if you are exercising too. I would add 300 cals or so on cardio days. I realize you are eating good foods regularly but that still doesnt help if you are consuming too few cals, you may sacrifice muscle. Add some protein (i.e. protein drink) after your lifting. Try this routine or browse for one that fits.