Should I increase food intake for account for exercise?



  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    50bpm resting is very, very low. Typical is 60-80.

    I know it's low but that's what the HR monitor reads! I had to have my heart function checked a few years back and everything was super healthy. I have been exercising for a long time- cardio for years and years before I switched to this current program so I am pretty fit (aside from my current state!)
    50bpm puts you into super young-male athlete territory.

    What's your blood pressure like?
  • weekari
    weekari Posts: 8 Member
    Fine I think. Not had it checked in a while but it's never been an issue. Other than this weekend, I've been well and never get ill etc or trouble fainting. I'll maybe run it again once I'm feeling more normal but I did it twice and it was in the 50s both times.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Fine I think. Not had it checked in a while but it's never been an issue. Other than this weekend, I've been well and never get ill etc or trouble fainting. I'll maybe run it again once I'm feeling more normal but I did it twice and it was in the 50s both times.
    You could just have athletic heart syndrome, but there's a few abnormal conditions that could cause low heart rate.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    It does sound a bit obvious when you put it like that! :smile: Should it be the equivalent though? If I burn 800 calories, should I eat those back?

    Generally speaking, yes you'll want to eat them all back, at least as a starting point and see how you do. But ultimately, it's kind of a crap shoot. You can always go by feel assuming you have a reasonable feel for your body and some degree of common sense.

    Are you losing weight? -> Yes -> Is your performance impacted? -> No -> Keep doing what you're doing
    Are you losing weight? -> Yes -> Is your performance impacted? -> Yes -> Eat a little bit more
    Are you losing weight? -> No -> Is your performance impacted? -> No -> Eat a little bit less
    Are you losing weight? -> No -> Is your performance impacted? -> Yes -> Sucks to be you

    yes, this pretty much sums it up.

    i have been where you are, and you have described the feeling pretty well. at that point i gave up exercising, and i should not have done that.
    now that i know better, i usually eat back half of what i burn off. this gives me a weight loss without feeling like crap.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    50bpm resting is very, very low. Typical is 60-80.

    I know it's low but that's what the HR monitor reads! I had to have my heart function checked a few years back and everything was super healthy. I have been exercising for a long time- cardio for years and years before I switched to this current program so I am pretty fit (aside from my current state!)
    50bpm puts you into super young-male athlete territory.

    What's your blood pressure like?

    Just for the record whenever I get really fit my resting HR goes into the 40s. I'm 26 and female. I've injured myself a couple of times and had to have surgery. I always got reactions from the nurses like wow you must be really fit. They had to get special permission to release me from recovery the second time because they aren't allowed to release people whose HR is below 50 and mine was sitting in the low 40s and wasn't going up at all. I don't think it's anything to worry about if you are really athletic, it just means that yoru heart has gotten quite efficient at pumping blood. Watch for symptoms of low blood pressure though. I get light-headed sometimes if I stand up too quickly. Also you might want to get some blood work done to check for any general defficiencies (I found out I was anemic which is very common for athletic females). Could be another reason you feel crappy
  • weekari
    weekari Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and comments! I definitely feel more sure of what to do once I'm back training again...I'm going to increase my overall calorie intake to match what I'm burning, with some more fat, increase my water and will try pay more attention to what is happening with my body.
    My heart rate is back to normal as is my temp. I'm still feeling totally wiped out but I'm just going to do absolutely nothing until I feel normal again.
    I ran my resting HR again today and it's 52 so I'm just a young male athlete I guess!! I think it's fine but I'll get my BP checked when I next go to the doc. It does seem that low HR is quite common in those who frequently exercise. The cyclist Miguel Indurain had a resting heart rate of 28 bpm!