Hello Moto

Hey all! I am new to this website and already am loving it. It is motiving me more than anything has. I also want to network and add some friends - so friend me! - I promise I'm really easy to get along with ;)

About me - I am 24 and am going to graduate with a Masters in 4 weeks! Between a full time job and full time school, I have let me self go a little. So now that I am graduating, I want to reward myself with a body I am comfortable with. I am starting a PhD in the fall, so I really want to get in shape for this summer and get myself to a lifestyle where I'll be able to maintain my health while in school.

I'm really looking forward to meeting you!


  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome and good luck :)
  • mead
    mead Posts: 68 Member
    welcome and good luck. and good going on your schooling!
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Thanks all! and Thanks for the friend requests! keep em comin' :)
  • Bee28
    Bee28 Posts: 99
    Hello and welcome! I am also working on my masters but I have 2 years left.