3 pounds in 2 months...?



  • hannahpark3r
    hannahpark3r Posts: 50 Member
    Wouldn't muscle gain also be a factor? You may have gained muscle, but lost weight, even though the numbers don't really show that.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Just took a look at yout diary. Seem are like most of us and do decent on calories during the week but hit red and weekends and some weekdays. Even that bit of inconsistency will keep you larger calorie deficits over time to lose the pounds. Also, your body may just need all the calories you are taking in to keep up with the fitness level.

    3 pounds is good, and I bet you feel stronger and more fit.

    Great accomplishment.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Well I didn't look at your diary, some I'm assuming you are eating enough but not too much. From other 30DS posts I've seen though, people don't lose a looooot of weight like I thought it made them, but they lose ton of inches and become more toned. I see people post "Just finished 30 day shred, lost 2-5 pounds" Then they post the before and after picture and its like WOW a huge difference. I have seen these types of posts many times so maybe that is it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Wouldn't muscle gain also be a factor? You may have gained muscle, but lost weight, even though the numbers don't really show that.

    No it won't be a factor. 30DS is a cardio based program and to gain muscle you need a surplus of calories (which means weight gain) and you need a workout program that will provide a progressive load on muscles.

    OP, do you breast feed still and how active are you with your baby? Based on doing just 30DS, being sedentary (which most parents are not) and your stats from your profile, i would have you eat around 1600 calories daily. Now if you are an active mother, it's probably more like 1800 calories. One thing I would change is lower the carbs and increase the protein.

    I will also mention that you do have a bunch of splurge days where you are getting over 2000 calories (around your TDEE or maintenance calories). so your average calories throughout the week is probably around 1800-1900 calories which will explain the slower loss. So you either need to be more consistent with your diet or pick a harder exercise program.