My diary and juicing~

I'm just curious if anyone can help with "juicing" calories. I've started using to determine "quick calories" that my juice makes, especially since I don't drink the fiber of any of them. I use MFP when I make a smoothie (since I drink all of the vegetable and fruit skins) and enter them under my recipes.

If you juice, how do you enter those calories? How accurate do you think it is?

Also, as I read a few posts on here if looks like I may not be consuming sufficient calories. I've only started to watch my intake first week of Jan where I was at 137lbs, and now I am at 128.8lbs. I've cut out/reduced chocolate, no sodas, breads and pastas (<--mainly portion control).

As for exercise, in January, I started 30 day shred. Beginning of February I started running, couple of times a week 2 miles. This last week I started running 3-4 miles (3 times). Last night I stared ripped in 30, and I do ab ripper a few times a week too.

I'm 24 yrs, 5ft1, What do you think my calorie intake should be(to keep losing weight)?

*If anyone wants to be MFP friends, just send a request :) my diaries are open.
