Is this a realistic exercise plan?

So, I live in the frigid tundra known as South Dakota. Our winter will be coming to an end in two brief months (hopefully) and I'd like to incorporate a walking regimen in my daily routine. Here's what I do now:
3-4 days/week = gym nights, 2 nights strength (1 upper/core, 1 lower/core) and 1-2 nights cardio.
I'd like to continue this, but add walking during my lunch break at work. I get an hour lunch, and am hoping that I could walk 45 min/ day, 5 days/week consistently.

Would this realistically increase any amount of fitness noticeably? I'm aiming for A) healthier heart and lungs, my current RESTING heart rate was 96 bpm last time it was checked in December and I have sports enduced asthma. B) Weight loss, I weight 182ish right now and would like to be closer to the 150/160 mark (ultimately) and C) Muscle definition: I'd like to have a flatish (not 6-pack) stomach and firm/toned triceps and legs.


  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I think walking can be a great boost to fitness, especially if you push yourself. I credit my walking at work breaks and lunches and doing hills with the ability to recently run 5k without much training. I worked myself up to walking at a 4+ mph pace, even on hills. Start with what's comfortable and work to beat your distance/time as you go along, and I think you'll see fitness improvements and hopefully increased weight loss.

    My resting HR was in the 70s before I started exercising again, and now it's around 60 and I haven't checked it since I added in running.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Sounds like a decent place to start! Stick after it and those numbers will drop...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Sounds perfectly fine to me

    *Sorry, I have no links to prove this so you'll have to take my word for it.
  • coachyoda88
    Sounds like a good plan. You are only going into the gym 3-4 days per week right? As long as you provide yourself with a day off for muscle repair, you should be fine. If I was doing your workout, I would shoot for 1-2 days off per week.

    What is your nutrition like? Remember, nutrition is 80% of your success. Put the right eating plan (clean eating if you can do it), along with your workouts, and you will be where you want to be in no time!
  • Kaypix
    Kaypix Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all for the support. Right now the clean eating isn't happening. I totally know it's my own fault, but unfortunately I have a slightly controlling husband who gives me grief if I leave the house without him and hates going to the store. We also work together and he hates it when I don't go to lunch with him, he guilt trips me if I say I want to stay at work during lunch and just bring my own sack lunch. When I do go to lunch I order whatever, because I hate paying the same amount for a salad as I would a full meal and end up feeling resentful and angry if I only eat salad instead of something I'd rather have.

    Also, I do all the cooking + cleaning + laundry + feeding the dogs, cats, changing the litterbox and letting the dogs out, so I tend to be a little rushed and resentful when it comes to me making dinner EVERY night.

    The few times I've stood my ground, my husband literally said "fine, f* you I'm ordering pizza" and that became dinner, so at that point it's cook for myself or eat pizza, and I'm so frustrated by then I give into emotion and laziness and just eat the pizza.

    I'm trying to change his mentality, but it's slow going. I can sometimes get his opinion of a meal before we go shopping for ingredients, and I am truly trying to put together a weekly menu on Saturday so we can go grocery shopping on Sunday. We did manage this twice in February.

    And yes, he also goes to the gym with me after work, and works out much harder than I do (I'll admit that, he's on the stair master for half an hour at like a 5, and the incline trainer at a 3mph at 30% for another half an hour) so he's losing weight regardless of what he eats.

    Sorry, just had to vent, bleh!