Birth Control



  • BamaRose0107
    Hormonal BC can also cause water retention, fatigue, increased appetite, loss of sex drive, DVT, depression, migraines, weight LOSS, breast sensitivity or swelling, breakouts, breakthrough bleeding...etc.

    It varies highly by person. Personally I've tried 8 kinds (by varying hormone content) and get the same symptoms from each - fatigue, depression, severe migraines...daily, and water retention. If you have severe symptoms (severe migraines, depression) such as I had, that's a good sign you're not compatible with that hormonal birth control. Some side effects could be the pre-cursor to more serious problems.

    Weight gain (and I know doctors completely brush this off) occurs through water retention. Ever take BC, put on weight quickly, go off it, then drop the weight quickly? Good chance it's water retention. Diet, diuretics, or a pot of coffee will do little to nothing to "cure" this.

    It's an easy means of birth control if you're compatible with it. If not, check out paragard (IUD) or barrier methods.

    I reacted the same way on hormonal BC! I also had elevated progesterone levels which made me start lactating without being pregnant. Weight gain is sometimes the least of your worries when on BC. If thats the only side effect you get you are doing pretty good.
  • natalia221
    I was on BC all through out high school and stopped. About 6 months ago I started Yaz and man I had the worst cravings ever and I also became very depressed. I have heard of others who love Yaz and hate it so I think it depends on your bodies reaction. It may take a while to find the right one.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I use the generic version of Alesse and haven't had any issues with weight gain. It also got rid of my massively debilitating cramps :bigsmile: The other plus is that TOM only sticks around 3 days. :drinker:

    you guys do know that on any form of birth control you get a fake period...just wanted to share after reading the "TOM". it was a huge controversy back in the day, and I don't think most woman know, anyone I've told is like "Whoa!". But it is true! Read it in a magazine at the doctors office and then looked it up. Fake period!!

    but despite all the negative effects, it has been argued that birth control is really good for women on account of the fact that we aren't just baby machines anymore. the average woman bleeds like a tonne more in her lifetime compared to someone back in the day.
  • allisonj87
    allisonj87 Posts: 55 Member
    I was on the Depo shot after I had my son for a year. I only gained about 5 pounds or so but it was almost impossible to lose weight. After 12 months I switched to ortho tri cyclen. The first week I lost like 6 pounds. Before I has my son I had always been pretty thin, I ate whatever I wanted, I guess I just had a high metabolism. When I got pregnant I was at about 110-115 pounds. I have been on the pill for nearly a year now and have lost about 25 pounds in the last 12 months and I had not changed my eating habits or exercise routine.