Diet Devotion - March 25

Exodus 33:14
And he said, 'My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.'

The most effective diets are those with planned 'cheating' in them. Just as the children of Israel set aside a day for fasting from their daily bread, Christian dieters should set aside a day to indulge in the foods they enjoy. This makes the dieter more thankful for the special treats, as well as making the diet much more tolerable. It gives us something to look forward to, and it erases guilt from the process. We all need rest, and we will find new strength and courage when we break our diet fast occasionally.
Today's thought: Even dieters deserve a day off., daily devotional for dieters


  • PammyB3130
    PammyB3130 Posts: 203
    Exodus 33:14
    And he said, 'My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.'

    The most effective diets are those with planned 'cheating' in them. Just as the children of Israel set aside a day for fasting from their daily bread, Christian dieters should set aside a day to indulge in the foods they enjoy. This makes the dieter more thankful for the special treats, as well as making the diet much more tolerable. It gives us something to look forward to, and it erases guilt from the process. We all need rest, and we will find new strength and courage when we break our diet fast occasionally.
    Today's thought: Even dieters deserve a day off., daily devotional for dieters
  • babyhippo
    babyhippo Posts: 247
    AMEN! :happy: