Up and down

Hi all!

I've been doing great on my new health regimen and a little weight has come off in the last month (7 lbs). Slow and steady, which is fine with me. However, I got on the scale this morning and was up a pound. Is there a specific reason for this? I'm under my calorie goal every day and exercising regularly. Any advice? Should I exercise more, weight train, eat less/more??? (My diary is public-btw).

Thanks in advance!


  • TammieOwen
    My Weight goes up and down on a day to day base one or two pounds. Your boby will not be exact everyday, it could be alittle water retention.
  • bluexiii
    bluexiii Posts: 36
    Water weight, muscle growth, using the restroom...

    All things that can affect the up and downs of 1 lb. I wouldn't worry about it unless you don't lose anything over the course of the next few days.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me last week. After bicycling for an hour on Sunday, Monday morning I had gained 2.3 pounds. Our personal trainer said it could be from muscles being swollen and retaining water. It didn't start dropping again until 2 days later.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I looked at your food logs, you aren't eating enough for all the calories you are burning. You should eat back your exercise calories and you should eat more protein. =) You're doing great. Did you eat too much sugar or sodium the day before? It could just be water retention. Or your body could think it's starving since you aren't eating enough calories.

    Weight fluctuates.... don't worry. Remember, the scale weighs everything, water, blood, urine, bowels, etc. Try taking measurements also to track progress.
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me last week. After bicycling for an hour on Sunday, Monday morning I had gained 2.3 pounds. Our personal trainer said it could be from muscles being swollen and retaining water. It didn't start dropping again until 2 days later.

    Ok, that makes sense too 'cause I did circuit training on Wed and my muscles are sore (swollen?) still. Thanks!
  • alisal0113
    Looking at your food intake I would suggest adding 30 minutes of aerobics, or something to get your heart rate up. The amounts you are eating seem fairly well balances throughout the days. Eating more would add too much and less would push you into starvation mode. If you are able to workout (even if it's for 15 minutes) in the morning. You will burn more calories during the day and have more energy. Do a few jumping jacks when you first get up or run in place for awhile.

    On the other hand, you may be up a pound because you are building muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat does, so although you are burning the fat you are gaining muscle. Try not to weigh yourself every day. If you feel the need to weigh yourself frequently try to cut it back to once a week. Don't just go off what the scale says. Look at yourself in the mirror. Can you see/feel a difference? Then it is working.

    Just remember to take a deep breath and don't focus too much on your weight. The numbers will just bog you down. Focus on how you feel, how you carry yourself, and try to radiate that positive energy in everything you do. You'll notice a huge difference in no time!
  • triggerasynapse
    Well it could just be water weight but also I looked at your diary; you should eat more! Eat at least 1,200 a day.
    There are many sticky posts in the forums about why this is so important. Here is a link to one:


    Good luck!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I'm gonna be really honest here...you eat alot of junk calories, I would limit that, refined sugar is horrible for your body. Maybe try one "junk snack and replace those cakesters and oreos with peanut butter and whole grain crackers, or a mini muffin that;s made with bran and chocolate chips for a sweet tooth...an apple with PB, even a glass of chocolate milk would be better then those peanut butter cups. I'd try to up the protein as well. Just my two cents..don't get mad :wink: :happy:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I'm gonna be really honest here...you eat alot of junk calories, I would limit that, refined sugar is horrible for your body. Maybe try one "junk snack and replace those cakesters and oreos with peanut butter and whole grain crackers, or a mini muffin that;s made with bran and chocolate chips for a sweet tooth...an apple with PB, even a glass of chocolate milk would be better then those peanut butter cups. I'd try to up the protein as well. Just my two cents..don't get mad :wink: :happy:

    All true. Try sticking to natural sugars to curb your sweet tooth. =) Eat a few Dark Chocolate chips with almonds as a snack. Or cottage cheese with fruit. Sometimes it's tough and you give in, but the refined sugar is really not good for you.
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    I'm gonna be really honest here...you eat alot of junk calories, I would limit that, refined sugar is horrible for your body. Maybe try one "junk snack and replace those cakesters and oreos with peanut butter and whole grain crackers, or a mini muffin that;s made with bran and chocolate chips for a sweet tooth...an apple with PB, even a glass of chocolate milk would be better then those peanut butter cups. I'd try to up the protein as well. Just my two cents..don't get mad :wink: :happy:

    I do admit I have a sweet tooth and that's one thing I need to cut down on (a lot) Thanks for being honest., I appreciate it very much! I'll start today.....:tongue:
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks to all who replied! I appreciate your suggestions and thoughts. I will get some Aerobics in a couple times per week and try eating a little healthier.....:flowerforyou:
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I'm gonna be really honest here...you eat alot of junk calories, I would limit that, refined sugar is horrible for your body. Maybe try one "junk snack and replace those cakesters and oreos with peanut butter and whole grain crackers, or a mini muffin that;s made with bran and chocolate chips for a sweet tooth...an apple with PB, even a glass of chocolate milk would be better then those peanut butter cups. I'd try to up the protein as well. Just my two cents..don't get mad :wink: :happy:

    I do admit I have a sweet tooth and that's one thing I need to cut down on (a lot) Thanks for being honest., I appreciate it very much! I'll start today.....:tongue:

    If you gotta eat it cause it's just calling our your name..:laugh: , i'll admit to a bit of a gummy bear addiction! Eat it early in the day, at least then you have the opportunity to work it off. The sugar thing is very very hard to overcome, it's not going to be easy,just keep positive, and keep other snacks handy that can compensate, and if they aren't cutting it and you gotta have that peanut butter cup, then have just one and save the other for later, or throw the stupid thing out!:laugh:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Be careful of advice you read on these boards...

    I am going to disagree about going under 1200 calories. If it happens once or twice a week, you are not going to go into starvation mode. I think people on this board overuse this term as an excuse to eat more (not that I blame them, who doesn't like to eat). Trust me a day or two is NOT going to put your metabolism at risk. I would not increase your calories. If you hit a plateau for a long period of time (say, 2-3 weeks) that may be an indication that you need to change your calories, but one day? Heck no. Keep at it.

    Even at my small size, I can fluctuate anywhere from 1-4 pounds in a given day. It depends on so many factors, salt, water, time of month, etc.. I say stick with it.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    That is true. There is a lot of advice on any weight loss board that you have to be careful of, but starvation mode is a real thing. You need to eat enough calories to keep your body going. Otherwise it will think it's starving. Every body is different and you have to go with what you feel is best for you. Fluctuating in weight is normal and going up a lb is not a big deal if you see a continual drop over time. But if you continue to go up, then you do need to look at your calorie intake, types of foods you are eating, water intake, whether or not you are taking in enough or too many calories, etc.

    Like I have said, the scale is not the only way to track progress. Start taking measurements once a month. You may notice changes in your body faster than the scale will show them to you.