Anyone with thyroid problems?

Hope this is in the right section :3

I just found out the other day that my Pituitary gland isn't working as well as it should be resulting in me being quite tired a lot. My doctor thinks as a result my thyroid may be under active so I'm going for a test in six months to see how this develops. What I'm wondering is if my thyroid is under active will this affect my weight loss, I know it can cause you to put on weight but will it make it harder for me to lose weight?

Just wondering if anyone out there with first hand experience can give me a heads up (:


  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    This time last year I was working out close to two hours a day (1.5 hours cardio and .5 hours weights) most every day along with cutting calories. I lost absolutley nothign in 2 months time. I went to the doctor for bloodwork for cholesterol and discussed my poor perofmrance etc. Full blood work was then ordered checking for testosterone along with everything else. Results revealed hypothyrooidism (low thyroid level) not low testoserone as I suspected.

    Bottome line yes it can effect weight loss for sure. I think we finally have my dosage correct after last fals increase in dosage and I've finally started to drop the wieght.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    Hope this is in the right section :3

    I just found out the other day that my Pituitary gland isn't working as well as it should be resulting in me being quite tired a lot. My doctor thinks as a result my thyroid may be under active so I'm going for a test in six months to see how this develops. What I'm wondering is if my thyroid is under active will this affect my weight loss, I know it can cause you to put on weight but will it make it harder for me to lose weight?

    Just wondering if anyone out there with first hand experience can give me a heads up (:

    Why is your doctor having you wait 6 months to get tested? Why aren't you getting your thyroid tested now??

    Did your doctor put on any meds? What tests have been run? TSH test? Why type of pituitary issue?
  • SweetCrumb
    SweetCrumb Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks RPM, I'll keep that in mind. At least with medication you seem to be getting back on track, that gives me some hope if it does turn out I have an underactive thyroid.

    Island :
    I don't know the exact test but TSH looks familiar from when I was looking over the pathology slip. I had a whole bunch of tests, four vials of blood testing from iron levels to kidney function, it took him 10 minutes to discuss everything with me so while everything else was healthy it's hard to remember exact names of the tests.

    He's waiting 6 months because he said it was mild and not anything to be worried about yet but he wants to see how it develops and if it gets worse we'll talk about treating. I'm not on any medication at the moment no and the issue I'm not exactly sure of how to explain. I'll try to reiterate what he told me and hopefully you'll understand what I'm saying hahaha

    He explained the thyroid and the pituitary gland are a mutual cycle, the thyroid produces hormones and if it is/n't producing enough the pituitary gland will compensate or slow things down, so it's a regulator. My body is producing enough T3 and T4 but my pituitary gland is sluggish and if I remember correctly it isn't handling my TSH very well which could end up causing an under active thyroid. But at the moment my thyroid is functioning fine, he's worried it won't in the future hence the future test.

    I'm worried about my goals in health and fitness. I know and have seen thyroid problems get worked through due to it running in my family but none in my family have really been particularly active so I can't ask their advice on this.