TYPE 2 No more

So I have been type 2 diabetic for the past 12 years. The first 5 years I never even worried about it, just lived life. Until some of the affects started happening. Then I got put on full dose of Metformin lived on that for the last 7 years. (Metformin not a good thing) Then still I didn't didn't worry much about it . With my A1C still way high the doc's also put me on glipazide for the past 2 years my A1C then went to 5.1 which was good but on lots of pills. Well long story short I started using MFP. 2 months ago I got to come off my metformin and my number where doing good. Well i thought maybe I can be type 2 and be on no pills, well i kicked it into gear with eating right and lots of exercise still taking glipazide my blood sugars where getting way low. 2 week ago I was able to come off all my pills and I have been managing my blood sugars never thought I would be able to do it with diet and exercise. I go in for my A1C in 2 weeks that will be the true test. I do know if i quit doing the right things its going to come back.


  • brown41stacy
    brown41stacy Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats! That's a great accomplishment
    Don't ever give up, only good things can
    Happen for you now !
  • wldrose75
    That's awesome, man! Congratulations. My fingers are crossed for your next A1C. That's a large part of why I'm here on MFP. Almost everyone in my family is Type 2, and I knew I'd be there in a few years myself since I'm the biggest of the group.
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    Congratulations that is awesome! You give me inspiration.

    I am recently diagnosed (end of November) type 2 diabetes. My A1C was 11.3 and I was drinking 15 sodas a day eating out all the time, terrible food. They put me on 2-500mg metformin and glimepiride daily. I started eating right and really exercising after Christmas. About a month ago they took me off the glimepiride and just Friday I had my A1C tested at 5.6. The doctors/nurses all seem to love metformin with very few side effects told to me. Don't get me wrong I HATE pills and my goal is to get off them I am just looking to learn what you know about metformin side effects?
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    Thats what I keep telling myself it runs in the family and thats why I got it. But now I know a lot more about being type 2 and that there is something I can do. I will tell you its not easy its a lot of work. I do cardio at least 5 nights a week and not just a walk I quit smoking quit soda soda and stay under my carbs and no sweets.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Thanks for sharing ????
    I wish more people would follow your example.
    They would be so much healthier.
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    Congrats. That is a great story!!! All the best.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Congrats!! I had A1c above 10.0 when I was diagnosed in 2009. My Endo put me on Metformin and glipizide. After I lost around 100 lbs. I had to come off the glipizide cause my blood sugars was crashing and I would have spells where I would literally start blacking out.. It was horrible.. After I came off them everything stabilized and my A1c have avg. 5.4 the last couple years. My Endo has left me on Metformin though, the way he explained it to me is that when you become a full blown diabetic you burn up half your receptors which is what regulates your blood sugars and the goal is to get the diabetes under control and preserve the remaining receptors. The longer you can do this then you can prolong having to go on insulin to regulate. He said that is what Metformin is doing (protecting those remaining receptors) so I still take 2 - 500 mg twice a day and by my understanding this will be for the rest of my life or as long as the diabetes stays in remission. But again Congrats on all your hard work and getting your diabetes under control.... Best of Luck in the future....
  • luvs2read1979
    luvs2read1979 Posts: 113 Member
    That is so great and definitely something to shout from the rooftops! Congrats! I hope that down the line I am able to come off of my blood pressure medicine due to losing lots of weight!
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    When on straight Glipizide my blood sugar levels would drop to 40 when running on the treadmill, its was not a good feeling.
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    Good for you! keep up the great work!
  • prissygal
    prissygal Posts: 39 Member
    Now that's good news! I too came off Metformin this year. It's been an amazing journey, that is to listen to your body. Stay focused and you can beat this disease.
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    OMG SO excited for you! You're gonna rock your A1C!!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    That's amazing. :) Happy for you.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    That's really great! I hope a lot of people read this - maybe someone will lose weight at the 40 or 50 pound mark instead of risking their entire future. Weight control and exercise are huge for long term health, as you have seen!
  • 1Babyface
    that is awesome... i am a type 2 diabetic diet controlled now... i had taken pills and then ended up on byetta for short period i started eating right and losing wt and after 35 lbs i feel so much better.... no more pills.... congrats to you.... keep up the work and stay encouraged.....
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    When on straight Glipizide my blood sugar levels would drop to 40 when running on the treadmill, its was not a good feeling.

    Right there with you, 40's and I even had a couple that got into the low 30's.... I always felt off when I was on them after I started to lose the weight and when he finally took me off them it was like night and day's difference....
  • Zosimah
    Zosimah Posts: 54 Member
    I love to see people take life by the horns and say "NO!" and then fix issues. I'm proud and happy for you!
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    Just to put this out there if anyone needs motivation you can friend me this MFP is my addiction I have many more reasons to be on here I have a lot more to do. If you are dedicated outgoing and like to make a difference, friend me, I have a great group on here that already pushes me and gives great support. Always looking for more. No whiners apply and no excuses. The time is now.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    That's fantastic. I am so happy for you. :smile: Keep it up.
  • suecan2
    THAT IS SIMPLY JUST AWESOME. keep your word going -- the biggest motivator and inspiration comes from those who lived and breathed it. ANYONE with this can beat this, it is about what we put into our mouths and what we do for activity....not strickly hereditary.
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