Summer Crunch Time!!

Today I started P90X! I took my measurements and pictures. It wasn't pretty. But, I've committed to quit drinking all through the month of March and tracking my diet (and following the P90X "fat shredder" breakdown) on myfitnesspal! I want to look and feel great this summer, not second-guess attending anything that would involve the showing of my body... i.e. hot-tub time, beach party, pool hang out, or anything that involves shorts!

Want to join me? You don't have to be on p90X, but if you're doing a summer crunch time as well, write on here what you're doing and what tricks are working for you!

So far... I've set myself up for success. Bought a great protein powder that has zero carbs or fat to help boost the protein, new vitamins and a recovery drink. Never used a recovery drink, so we'll see how that works. Didn't taste bad though! Surprisingly! I've taken photos and measurements, which we should all do, no just when you're on P90X. When you're about to grab that pizza or ice cream, whip out your phone and look at the pic of your starting point... I don't want to stay here!

Oh! And pre-prepared meals for quick and easy choices. I don't have time to put lots of prep or thought into EVERY meal!