
JessicaBuff Posts: 233
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have alot of cellulite on my butt and upper legs..I have alot of toning to do in these areas(they are my hardest target spot) Will the cellulite ever go away??? It is very discouraging..Thanks in advance!


  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Im curious too. What is the best excersise to do to get rid of it? I've been doing cardio and light lifting
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    All the cardio and strength training inthe world isn't going to help cellulite areas if you diet is poor.

    One of the best and most effective ways to eliminate cellulite is to supplement with a balanced blend of the healthy EFAs

    Cellulite occurs primarily as a result of a weakened cell structure in the layer of fatty tissue just below the surface of the skin. The main cause for the cell structure weakness is a deficiency of the healthy essential fatty acids that are the building blocks of the cell and that give the cells strength and flexibility.

    In Addition To EFA Deficiency . . .
    Excess Body Fat Contributes Greatly to the Formation of Cellulite

    There is no doubt about it! Since weak and inflexible cell structure is the PRIMARY cause of cellulite, it stands to reason that once cellulite begins to show up, the thicker the fat layer just under the skin, the worse the cellulite is likely to become.

    Fat does not cause cellulite, but since fat cell weakness and rigidity DO cause it, the more excess fat a person has, the worse the cellulite problem can, (and usually does), become.

    Most attempts to eliminate cellulite fail for EXACTLY the same reason most attempts at permanent weight loss fail, they are usually directed at solving the WRONG PROBLEM.

    Exercise, massage and aerobics can all play a part in helping solve the cellulite problem, however these methods DO NOT address the primary, underlying cause of cellulite, which is a weakening cell structure brought on by a deficiency in the healthy essential fatty acids.

    So, how do you ELIMINATE CELLULITE & regain that smooth suppleness?

    Get The EFAs You Need: The #1 thing you can do to eliminate cellulite from your body is to begin supplementing your diet with a good, balanced blend of the healthy essential fatty acids.
    Proper EFA supplementation is the vital because until you begin restoring the cells strength and flexibility, nothing else you do will make very much difference. Restoring cellular strength and flexibility requires healthy EFAs.

    Lose Excess Body

    Get The Distorted EFAs OUT of Your Diet: All commercial baked goods, processed food, and fried foods are LOADED with hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils. These oils are chemically altered, molecularly distorted EFAs and they are NOTHING BUT BAD FOR YOU.
    Besides contributing to cellulite formation, these oils are implicated in heart disease and high blood pressure. Your health and your figure can do nothing but improve by cutting them out of your diet as much as possible.

    Cut WAY BACK on foods and beverages high in sugar and/or highly processed carbohydrates.
    After getting the EFAs you need, the next most effective thing you can do to lose cellulite is to ELIMINATE EXCESS BODY FAT.

    Eliminating the excess fat helps eliminate the cellulite because, if the excess fat is gone, so are the weak, inflexible cells. And that means that the EFAs you are taking have fewer cells to replenish and repair so the job gets done faster. (Bye-bye cellulite!)

    Foods high in carbohydrates stimulate excess insulin in your blood and the insulin causes you to MAKE AND STORE FAT. This is exactly opposite of what needs to happen if you want to eliminate cellulite.

    To eliminate excess fat, one of your first and most important steps is to cut WAY BACK on anything high in sugar and/or carbohydrates.
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