Found a new Jillian Michaels routine, wanted to share it :)

I want to tone up a little bit and lose at least five lbs before I go to France at the end of next month so I was thinking of doing the 30 day shred again, but then I decided I was up to doing more work! I found this routine that is a variation off of a routine created by Jillian called the 30 day slimdown (it incorporates like 5 of her workouts). Here's the link to the rotation

I'm thinking of doing a level of the shred or running instead of the days it calls for yoga meltdown since I hate that DVD, I sprained my ankle the first time I did it since I fell from one of the yoga poses and haven't done it since haha. Let me know if you decide to try this out too!


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    It looks good. There's also her Body Revolution programme. This is much more e pensive though.
  • jolodo
    jolodo Posts: 24
    This is copied from the link in the OP. The next step to 30 day slimdown as it changes slightly. Good for the UK as Yoga Meltdown is being released here in August.:drinker:

    blacKandi’s “Slim Down…Some More!” Workout Rotation
    Day 1 – 30 Day Shred Level 3 & 1 (in this order)

    Day 2 – 30 Day Shred Level 2

    Day 3 – No More Trouble Zones

    Day 4 – 30 Day Shred Level 1 & 3 (in this order)

    Day 5 – Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism

    Day 6 – Day Off!

    Day 7 - Yoga Meltdown Workout 1 (if you are good at Power Yoga then do Workout 2)

    Day 8 - 30 Day Shred Level 2

    Day 9 – 30 Day Shred Level 2 & 1 (in this order)

    Day 10 – No More Trouble Zones

    Day 11 – 30 Day Shred Level 3 & 2 (in this order)

    Day 12 – Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism

    Day 13 – Day Off!

    Day 14 – Yoga Meltdown Workout 1 (if you are good at Power Yoga then do Workout 2)

    Day 15 – 30 Day Shred Level 1, 2, 3 (in that order)

    Day 16 – Banish Fat Boost Metabolism

    Day 17 - No More Trouble Zones

    Day 18 – 30 Day Shred Level 1

    Day 19 – 30 Day Shred Level 1, 2 & 3

    Day 20 – Day Off!

    Day 21 – Yoga Meltdown Workout 1 (if you are good at Power Yoga then do Workout 2)

    Day 22 – 30 Day Shred Level 2 & 1 (in this order)

    Day 23 – No More Trouble Zones

    Day 24 – Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism

    Day 25 – 30 Day Shred Level 2 & Yoga Meltdown Workout 1

    Day 26 – Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism

    Day 27 – Day Off!

    Day 28 – Yoga Meltdown Workout 1 (if you are good at Power Yoga then do Workout 2)

    Day 29 – 30 Day Shred Level 2 & 1 (in this order)

    Day 30 – No More Trouble Zones

    Notes & Tips

    A “rotation” is just merely a term used to describe a pre-constructed workout plan or workout routine. Call it what you want, they all mean the same thing.

    I like to start my workout rotations on a Monday, but you don’t have to. Any day is fine as long as you can keep track of your days/workouts.

    I also do not like working on on Saturdays so I put “Day Off!” in for Saturdays. If you prefer to workout on Saturdays and not on Sundays then you can switch the days and be off on Sundays. This is totally up to you.

    This workout is more extreme than Jillian’s Slim Down rotation, so if you want to cut some levels off of 30 Day Shred days you can to make things easier for yourself. If you are down for the challenge then I say let’s go for it!

    I think that’s all I have to say about that. I’m going to work on a Jillian rotation that involves ALL of her workouts as well as some other mixed and matched ones. I find that Jillian’s workouts are very effective when it comes to wanting to lose weight, burn some fat, tone and sculpt loose ends, but it will definitely help you to become fit.

    Remember to follow Jillian and only stop when she tells you to. That’s the key to success. Enjoy!
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    Looks good ! I'll be trying Yoga Meltdown when it comes out here :flowerforyou: