Anybody know the study?

skydiveD30571 Posts: 281 Member
edited January 15 in Food and Nutrition
I visited my dad today and he said he just saw on the news (not sure if it was local or national) about a new diet study released. He said it revealed what most here agree on but what many mainstream nutritionists and doctors disagree with.

It was a 5 year study with a pretty large pool and studied the risks of heart disease associated with the typical doctor-prescribed low-fat diet and a mediterranean diet (essentially much higher in healthy fats like olive oil, fish, nuts) and the results were so staggering that it would be "immoral to retain the results and continue studying any longer."

The diet higher in omega-3 and unsaturated fats proved much better for the heart. They believe this to be why the people in that region have such a small amount of heart disease. They also said it will take a while but they believe the usual prescribed diet for heart health will venture away from low-fat and become rich in healthy fat.

I'm trying to find what study this is but am having trouble. I know most of us knew this info already, but by the sounds of it, it is on the verge of becoming common knowledge and that could be a huge plus.


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