Breaking out in acne from working out?

I am 35 and my acne has been at bay. I started working out and it's breaking me out. I don't wear make up. I do sweat but wipe my face with a towel. What is causing the breakout? Is this my body getting used to the change?

Also, I haven't lost any weight. I might have gained 1lb or so. I eat enough and I work out. Is there something else I need to do? Suggestions?


  • kimleroy
    kimleroy Posts: 50 Member
    Be sure to shower, or at the very least, wash your face immediately after your workout. You might need to switch up your cleanser to handle the increased sweat and oil if you're using a pretty mild one right now.
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    Do you wash your face after you workout?
  • You can break out if you're not showering right after you work out. Or it could be something in your diet. Every one is different so it's hard to say. Also, I don't regard any fluctuation within 3 pounds as a loss or a gain because your weight does fluctuate a bit, so give yourself some room to account for water weight, new muscle mas, etc.
  • panda2727
    panda2727 Posts: 22 Member
    You can break out if you're not showering right after you work out. Or it could be something in your diet. Every one is different so it's hard to say. Also, I don't regard any fluctuation within 3 pounds as a loss or a gain because your weight does fluctuate a bit, so give yourself some room to account for water weight, new muscle mas, etc.

    Yes, I am showering after I work out and also wash my face. I'm not breaking out crazy maybe just 3 or 4.
  • panda2727
    panda2727 Posts: 22 Member
    Do you wash your face after you workout?

    Yes, I am showering after I work out and also wash my face. I'm not breaking out crazy maybe just 3 or 4.
  • panda2727
    panda2727 Posts: 22 Member
    Be sure to shower, or at the very least, wash your face immediately after your workout. You might need to switch up your cleanser to handle the increased sweat and oil if you're using a pretty mild one right now.

    Yes, I am showering after I work out and also wash my face. I'm not breaking out crazy maybe just 3 or 4.
    I'll try changing up my cleanser.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Zits have no age requirement. It could be toxins coming out of ur body, ould be the stress ur body isn't used too feeling, and use Oxy or stridex pads, I swear by them, I use an Organic Vit C toner and face cream daily on neck, chest, back, face. You can pick all that up at walmart.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    When you say it "has been at bay" it sounds like you've had some problems with acne before. It might help to examine your past triggers, and also what worked for you it the past. If all else fails, consult a professional.
    I do sweat but wipe my face with a towel.

    The only other thing I can think of, is that your towel might unintentionally be spreading germs or skin irritants (those gym machine sanitizing solutions are NOT kind to your skin). I've gotten some nasty rashes from detergents and cleaners.
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    Do you wash your face after you workout?

    Yes, I am showering after I work out and also wash my face. I'm not breaking out crazy maybe just 3 or 4.

    So maybe get something to use to treat zits, maybe you can use zap zit or something similar when you get them
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Everyone (women included) gets a little shot of testosterone with lifting. Between that, makeup, and gross gym germs, it's easy enough for that to happen. I guess take any makeup off before a workout, use wipes before and after touching equipment, don't touch your face in a gym until you wash your hands, and use some kind of acne treatment or exfoliant at night. (If they're along the jaw, they're more likely to be bc of hormones.)

    edit: sorry, you said you don't wear makeup and you're careful... could see a derm & try something like retin-a, or try a glycolic acid treatment from a drugstore.
  • Yes I've experienced breakouts when I would workout. It has stopped ever since I figured out what was causing my face to go crazy. It has a lot to do with sweat and hormones. When you sweat and your eating unhealthy the chemicals of your sweat will be unhealthy as well. If you don't take a shower right after you workout then your sweat will go right back into your pores and infect them. I've learned that if you control the health of your body then you will have healthy sweat that won't make an impact on your breakouts. Also eating healthy and controlling your hormones will help with breakouts as well please see this highly recommended site . If you eat right and exercise right then you will be fine.

  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    Try Cetaphil anti-bacteria soap and cleanser. It's no guarantee but I find it's about the only thing that actually works for me.
  • coffeegirl182
    coffeegirl182 Posts: 3 Member
    I have to use Clean and Clear morning burst every day since I regularly sweat quite a bit. I wear light makeup but even if I don't I break out. You can spot treat with something like Clinique Acne Solutions Emergency Gel-Lotion. I've had a huge pimple on my nose before a presentation/meeting and it's like bam it's gone within 30 min or so.
  • tangibleskink34
    tangibleskink34 Posts: 11 Member
    I have really acne prone skin so you could imagine working out didn't exactly help me at all with my skin. I started washing with apricrot scrub before and after and using clean and clear acne medication mositureizer after i was finished and all cleaned up and my skin cleared a ton. I don't brake out so much anymore. Just make sure your hair and hands don't touch your face while you work out and wiping off sweat with a rag always brakes out my skin because the rags has sweat on it itself.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Do you happen to have PCOS by chance? It seems to be more common with that.

    As far as the weight gain, that's common when increasing exercise, due to fluid retention. It's temporary.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Are you bringing your own towel? If not, try doing so and see what happens.

    But I actually ditched the towel, I was having issues with it a few years ago when I started bringing my own sweat towel. I just let the sweat drip, or I blot with my shirt (doesn't seem to cause issues, but I am much less acne-prone/sensitive now) or wear a headband to help absorb extra sweat. I'm not sure why it was an issue, I"d even fold it into itself so the side that touched my face didn't touch anything else.

    Also, ETA ,what is your skincare routine like? I used to have severe acne, cleared it up by actually discontinuing the use of a skincare routine. I rinse my face with water in the shower half the time or don't rinse it at all (so I can go days without washing my face, oh my!), I moisturize with apricot/almond/avocado oil as needed, use oil to remove my makeup (wipe off with a wet cotton pad). So if you are changing your skincare habits based on your workout routine, e.g. washing your face way more, that could be an issue. Or using something new specifically for the gym OH! and hair styling products might be an issue if you sweat a lot.