
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    this is so helpful! thankyou everyone. its just little changes that makes big differences. the other thing i struggle at is the concept of going for a run or walk after a binge. i mean, ive ruined it so i may aswell ruin it proper and do nothing. however does anyone know if it helps by doing excersize like if it is beneficial to weight loss?

    Exercise is beneficial for your fitness. If you are going to lose it healthily you will need to eat back any exercise calories you burn, so I don't think it's beneficial in the way you mean it. Having said that, a healthy lifestyle involves a good diet AND exercise, so it's always a good idea to do both.

    I sometimes use it as a way to 'earn' my treats - so if I want an extra chocolate bar, I'll go for a walk, etc.
  • cant believe the great support and motivation everyone. thankyou so much for all your help! thanks for all your tips and tricks.
  • jenniferlcrumb
    jenniferlcrumb Posts: 20 Member
    I used to be such a horrible binge/emotional eater and it was always failure when it came to diets. But you need to add more protein and fibre to your diet. Now that I eat lots of fibre at breakfast ( and before all my meals cause im on pgx!!) I really feel full and dont have that longing for more food. Another key is Sugar!!!! Try to do your best to cut out as much sugar as possible (not fruit though, that good sugar and good for you) like packaged granola bars, chocolate, donuts, etc because once u have a sugar filled snack your body after a little while craves more sugar and its a constant battle. I make my own protein bars now, and muffins because I control the sugar goin in and I also make them somewhat high in protein and fibre but low cals to help me control it!!! Its all about finding what right for you but if you like fish ( even canned tuna and salmon) eat, eat, eat!!! its so good for you and fills you up. A quick breakfast which I eat 90% of the time is a probiotic yogurt with All Bran Fibre buds ( they have 11g fibre in 1/3 cup!!
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    As a problem eater, this is my advice. It is based on what worked for me. I am a person with lots of food issues. It used to be my comfort and I needed to change that way of thinking:

    1) Read Brain over Binge - available on kindle too. Great book. Highly recommend as a starting point.

    2) Read and work through books on emotional eating: The Beck Diet Solution is good. There are others I can recommend. You don't have to listen to EVERY bit of the advice in the book, but read a rew and pick what works for you. Do the journaling, note cards, etc - see what works and what doesn't. Lots of books in your public library!

    3) Change your diet to include more filling foods: fiber - i.e. veggies, fruits, whole grains - and good fats - i.e. nuts, seeds, olive oil (and I"m not afraid of saturated fat like butter, but that's me, you might think differently).

    Accept that you will never be perfect - you can only try your best! This is so important. One piece of bread is not a failure! It doesn't have to ruin all your hard work. Keep making steps forward in your journey.
  • Had the same problem this weekend. Was ready to call it quits until I read all the posts. Going to start fresh today and try again.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Ive also had a problem with binging, to the point where I would wake up at 3 am and help myself to 900 calories! I stopped knowing what it felt like to be hungry, because i never let myself get hungry. Because I always ate and was never hungry, I was never satisfied either. I didn't even have a stomachache after my binges. and then I read a book last week called "Thinside out: How to have your cake and your skinny jeans too"

    It taught me alot about the dieting mentality, and included studies about how we set ourselves up for failure and then we "eat because we ate" (i.e. "Well i already ruined my diet today. I might as well go all out and just be good tomorrow" ). Which leads to restricting and deprivation and ultimately more binging. Then the cycle repeats. Anyways, the book also tells you how to decipher your true hunger signals and it's helped me immensely.

    I've only binged 2 or 3 times since last thursday, whereas i used to eat ALL day and binge in the middle of the night. WIth the help of that book, I even managed to not turn to food for comfort when my bf broke up with me on thursday. Best of luck!
  • I've had binge eating disorder since childhood, so I can relate to this somewhat.

    If you think eating a slice of toast is cheating, I suggest doing some serious reading and perhaps going to a therapist with eating disorder experience.

    Your diary is closed, so I don't know what a typical day looks like for you. I will say that restricting your calories and overexercising leads to binge eating when you're already prone to that type of eating.
  • I meant toast as a starting point. say i binge after dinner. my typical binge is on average. 4 slices toast with butter and cheese. 1 bag of popcorn(butter) , 3 tbsp peanut butter. 6 bags of crisps. 1/2 packet of digestives. 4 yoghurts. 3 apples. 4 sandwhiches with mayonaisee cheese. 1 cheese toastie. 4 cereal bars, 1 bowl pasta cheese and olie oil. 1 cup chocolate milk. 1/4 block of cheedar cheese eaten straight. 2 bowl cereal with lots of sugar. that was my last binge but thats fairly regular. i also tracked that i ate that in 45 mins. its awful to actually write down. and that was between 7-7.45pm. if i binge all day it will be that X10. not sure if this is an average size binge for everyone b ut thats how much i eat.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    I had a major binge last night consuming 2000 calories in nuts and wine. AHHHHH!!!! So I actually measured and weighed the nuts and put them in individual snack bags. That helps because I realize a tiny bag is 160 calories. Lots of other food I can eat for 160 calories. I'm hoping this helps me. Yes, once I screw up I'm down for the count.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    I meant toast as a starting point. say i binge after dinner. my typical binge is on average. 4 slices toast with butter and cheese. 1 bag of popcorn(butter) , 3 tbsp peanut butter. 6 bags of crisps. 1/2 packet of digestives. 4 yoghurts. 3 apples. 4 sandwhiches with mayonaisee cheese. 1 cheese toastie. 4 cereal bars, 1 bowl pasta cheese and olie oil. 1 cup chocolate milk. 1/4 block of cheedar cheese eaten straight. 2 bowl cereal with lots of sugar. that was my last binge but thats fairly regular. i also tracked that i ate that in 45 mins. its awful to actually write down. and that was between 7-7.45pm. if i binge all day it will be that X10. not sure if this is an average size binge for everyone b ut thats how much i eat.

    Yepper, I'm with ya. Tons of nuts, toast with peanut butter, plus peanut butter by the spoonful, cereal, popcorn...and this is all after dinner.
  • Right, but in your original post you said that a piece of toast or muffin is cheating (or at least a signal to you that says, "Okay, I might as well binge now!").

    I can't get inside your head, which is why I asked about your diary and how much you've been exercising/restricting calories. That makes a huge difference in mood when you have an eating disorder.

    Do you start your day by heavily restricting calories? If you eat a tiny, unsatisfying breakfast and lunch, chances are your binge is going to take place at dinner.
  • No i eat more than enough food. for example. today i have ate a large fruit salad for breakfast with nuts. mid morning-a piece of pineapple. lunch-chicken salad sandwhich with sunflower seeds, a yoghurt and a plum. and for dinner i am going to have vegetable curry and brown rice. I do not binge when i am hungry . i can be full and go on a full binge, it is just the satisyfing sense of eating carbs and junk i like, not when i am hungry. thanks for your interest anyway :)
  • I tend to have the same "all or nothing" attitude. I usually crave a snack before bed. I am really bad about eating at least 5 pieces of soft white bread before I fall asleep. I have so much control during the day, but nights are the worst. Last night, I grabbed a protein bar when the hunger hit and it worked! I also started taking 2 melatonin to help me fall asleep faster. I'm hoping that I have solved my night binge problem with protein bars and melatonin.
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member
    Get rid of all your junk food first, helped me quite a bit when I first started. And yes, most muffins are junk IMO.

    Pre-planning went a long ways for me as well, and it is still rare that I don't wake up knowing what my meals will look like for the day. May also want to try experimenting with meal timing. I found for myself skipping breakfast altogether, having a larger lunch, and then a later supper helped out immensly with cravings. Your results or circumstances may vary of course.
  • I've been doing this with a girl on my friends list, It's the 50 day binge free challenge If you would like to have a look. Do you have a hobby? It seems like after dinner is about binge time I think you said, and for me that time and around afternoon time I got really bored and when I was bored I went and got food and more food and more food and more food till I was eating as much if not more then what you said you were eating. It was either I was bored or I didn't feel full so I needed to eat more to feel full or to entertain myself.

    I think you should plan your meals, try to eat foods that will make you feel full and drink lots of water. At the end of the week if you felt like you tried than reward yourself with something you would like. Maybe getting your hair or nails done, or a new shirt, or just a treat. Whether you over ate a one day or you had a perfect week do not be hard on yourself and feel like a failure because changing your ways do not happen over a day or two. There are also appetite suppressants that I was taking at one point but the ones I had got really gross in my mouth so I didn't eat many but they worked.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    No i eat more than enough food. for example. today i have ate a large fruit salad for breakfast with nuts. mid morning-a piece of pineapple. lunch-chicken salad sandwhich with sunflower seeds, a yoghurt and a plum. and for dinner i am going to have vegetable curry and brown rice. I do not binge when i am hungry . i can be full and go on a full binge, it is just the satisyfing sense of eating carbs and junk i like, not when i am hungry. thanks for your interest anyway :)

    Yes, but I think the point she was making is how restrictive are you being overall? Today it seems you are having a good amount of food (so it seems from what you said - I don't know portions/calories from what you wrote), but are you creating too much of a calorie deficit over a week, month, years? Binge eating isn't about being physically hungry - it is about much, much more than that - we who are prone to binging know. But, if your body is starved for calories you will binge - your brain is telling you too. This is why I recommend reading Brain Over Binge. You need to understand WHY you binge or else you will not be able to start the process of healing.
  • I agree, i like to have a bigger dinner as i know mid morning is not a problem. however night time is my worst. I have had a thought though. i always excersize after dinner. e.g 1 hour walk jog, kettlebelss, cycle. so maybe the excersize is what is making me extremely hungry at night. it is obvious it is because you burn of your dinner. i should maybe re-think what times im excersizing at.
  • thanks, my mum has mentioned this too me . i will ring her and tell her what im having for dinner but because ive been on a run she will think its not enough where i think it is more than enough. i am under on my calories quite alot. by 100-200? also i havent changed my calories since i began so i should possibly up my calories. i will order that book out of the library . thankyou
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I agree, i like to have a bigger dinner as i know mid morning is not a problem. however night time is my worst. I have had a thought though. i always excersize after dinner. e.g 1 hour walk jog, kettlebelss, cycle. so maybe the excersize is what is making me extremely hungry at night. it is obvious it is because you burn of your dinner. i should maybe re-think what times im excersizing at.

    I find that if I don't eat enough during the day, I STARVE at dinner time and I will eat much more than I intend to. If I eat good breakfast and lunch, I don't eat a big dinner and I feel just fine. I'm trying to re-learn hunger signals, and it takes a lot of experimenting to find out what works. Journaling your hunger and emotions WITH your food (and time of eating) helps you understand the WHYS of your hunger cycles.

    I agree that you should up your calories slowly. I don't know how many you are eating right now, but I would recommend adding 100-200 each week, until you reach a maintenance point (probably 500-800 cals above what you are eating now). I know you are focused on losing weight, but honestly, I do not think you can succeed if you don't heal yourself first. I know it sucks because I know you want to lose weight now (I've been there). But, if you don't re-feed your body and heal your metabolism, and weight lost will come right back with a vengence because you will still be HUNGRY and you have not healed your disordered thinking (trust me, i've gained/lost a million times in my life).

    I want you to succeed and to get healthier overall. You should want that too - first and foremost. If that means putting weight loss on hold for a little while, I hope you do that. You will be better off in the long run.
  • Dont be so hard on yourself. Allow yourslef to be human and the most important part of any lifestyle change is starting with self worth. Love yourself just as you are right now and built on that. Once you love yourself the bingeing with cease naturally u wont feel the need to punish yourself for common mistakes in diet. It might seem stupid but it sounds like u have a good judge of whats good and bad for a diet but if u "cheat" then u "punish" yourself for a wrong choice. Well heres the thing NO ONE makes healthy choices all day everyday. When u cheat allow it and move one get right back on the saddle and forgive yourself.