does anyone weigh monthly?



  • finallydetermined
    finallydetermined Posts: 70 Member
    Once a week: I call it the Sunday Showdown.

    Love that you have a name for it!
  • TEEPEE40
    TEEPEE40 Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. More than that would be addictive for me. Need to focus more on healthy living.
  • I weigh once a week on Monday morning but I also put on my Monday pants. I have a pair of pants that fit horribly when I gain about 5 lbs. So I put those on every Monday to check my progress as well. This week the scale said I gained 2 lbs but my Monday pants were looser than they were last week so I'm gonna trust my Monday Pants! There are a million reasons why the scale fluctuates (poor water intake, monthly cycle, etc.)
  • Ewaldt
    Ewaldt Posts: 106 Member
    I think that weekly is probably the best solution for you because that way you aren't going as 'cold turkey'. Weighing once a week will still give you random fluctuations sometimes, but they will not be nearly as drastic and deflating as weighign yourself daily. I usually weigh weekly, but am thinking about switching to monthly. It really helps me focus on being healthier in general instead of looking at only the numbers on the scale. It also helps me appreciate the ways in which I can notice my improvments without needing to resort to a scale report to make me feel accomplished. So I would recommend starting with every week to help keep you on track, and then switch to a month if you feel like it could work for you. :):)
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    I weigh-in first thing Saturday morning after I used the restroom. But for Lent, I have given up weigh-ins because I would love to be surprised! So 40 days without knowing!
  • TEEPEE40
    TEEPEE40 Posts: 8 Member
    My weigh in day is Monday also!:smile:
  • I think if you weigh everyday it can be discouraging to some people and it kind of sounds that way for you. I think it can be good for others because some people have said on here that when they see a slight increase in their weight it motivates them to work harder for that day, but then there is people like you and I who weighing daily can frustrate us. I went to weighing weekly and I found that works great. Just pick the day that works best for you! Good luck!!
  • sarabella1987
    sarabella1987 Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh myself usually twice a day and not because i'm obsessed with my weight but because every number I see on that scale motivates me in some way. If I dropped pounds then then I get really excited and tell myself to keep up the good work and if I gained then I tell myself that I can do better today. I weigh myself for serious in the morning right when I wake up and thats the weight I track and then I weigh myself at night just to give myself an idea of what the morning number will be, but I don't really take it too seriously. I guess this just works for me right now.
  • leighdiane91
    leighdiane91 Posts: 225 Member
    I need to weigh once a week. otherwise I get kinda slacky with my eating or exercise. I haven't ever weighed every day, that would be maddening.
  • lissabee4
    lissabee4 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the Monday pants idea even though I'm a Friday gal. You're right about toned and a little heavier than light and fluffy.
  • kxlly
    kxlly Posts: 21
    I weigh daily. I don't expect miracles. Every morning I reasonably try to predict what the scale will say, while being completely honest with myself about how well I ate yesterday, how much sodium, etc. I'm usually accurate within a pound because of that honesty.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I moved recently, so haven't owned scales in a few months. I feel liberated! I'm judging my weight loss on measurements and how clothes fit...I will have to weigh in at some point but it's nice not letting 1/2lb of fluid retention ruin your whole day.
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    I weigh monthly.

    Here's what I found for me: Losing weight isn't something I can DO. It's something that happens as a RESULT of what I do. I can't control results. I can only control what I do. I wanted to make a lifestyle change, not go on a diet. So I judge success and happiness based on things I can control: did I eat right, did I exercise hard, did I get enough sleep, did I drink enough water.

    I set my goal to being healthy, not to losing weight. If somebody cuts off one of legs will I weigh less? Yes. Will I be healthier? No. Therefore, hanging everything on my weight loss is not a good indication of health. I could be skinny but still be unhealthy. So health became my motivation, not weight.

    Made it easy to get off that !@#$ scale.

    I like that point of view.
  • kellymoconnell
    kellymoconnell Posts: 11 Member
    Try weighing in once a week. My weight can fluxuate up to 2 pounds over the course of 24 hours depending on things like: water intake, sodium (from eating out), alcohol, etc. I've found that weighing mid-week is nice because then you don't have to stress about whether or not it's accurate from a Saturday morning breakfast out or a couple of glasses of wine. :)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I do weekly, but I have done monthly. Especially when I was hitting a little plateau. I made my self step off the scale for a month and when I went back to weigh I had dropped like 7lbs.

    If that works for you great just continue to focus on eating better, smaller and move more.
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    I weigh monthly.

    Here's what I found for me: Losing weight isn't something I can DO. It's something that happens as a RESULT of what I do. I can't control results. I can only control what I do. I wanted to make a lifestyle change, not go on a diet. So I judge success and happiness based on things I can control: did I eat right, did I exercise hard, did I get enough sleep, did I drink enough water.

    I set my goal to being healthy, not to losing weight. If somebody cuts off one of legs will I weigh less? Yes. Will I be healthier? No. Therefore, hanging everything on my weight loss is not a good indication of health. I could be skinny but still be unhealthy. So health became my motivation, not weight.

    Made it easy to get off that !@#$ scale.

    I like that point of view.

    Me too.