How much calorie deficit is too much?



  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Dear all. Please help us. I have the same problem. I weigh 51 kg for 152 cm 25 years old, female.
    Lost around 27 kg over 1 year.
    I exercise a lot these days. Burning between 200 and 400 cals.
    BUT I have been eating 880 -990 cals per day even on exercise day. Is this enough ? I truly don't think so.

    I try to increase but I fear too much fat or carbs then weight gain.

    Any advice will help !
    Million thanks in advance.

    Yes..........please increase calories. Do it slowly and the scale shouldn't change much. You should probably be around 1300-1500 to maintain and be healthy.

    Thank you for your advice. I am going to keep trying. I used to be even lower than that. i'll try harder. What do you think? next cap in the 1000 cals maintain that for two weeks or more then 1200 cals. It should be safe right and I will not risk weight gain I hope.

    Again many thanks
    That should work perfect and you are welcome.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    A less scientific reply:

    Realize that your muscles need rebuilding, that takes cals/energy. Not eating enough energy leaves you malnourished and will make your body go into starvation mode.

    Hope this helps!