New and looking for fitness partners

I'm 21 and sick of being morbidly obese. I looked great in high school, but since graduating, I've drastically gained weight. Some of the contributing factors are that I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, part of which is severe depression in which I binge eat foods that are really bad for me. Being over weight just makes my depression worse. I can't even look in the mirror any more. All of my medications cause weight gain and make it harder to lose weight. I, also, shattered both of my ankles two years ago. I gave up on exercise, and they have just gotten worse since then. I'm sick of letting my conditions rule my life. I want to lose weight to help my depression and my general health, including the strength of my ankles. My doctor said that if I can lose just 10% of my body weight, everything about my health will be much improved. I figure that's a good starting point, though I want to get back to the weight and fitness I was in high school. I'm looking for encouragement and accountability from a group or even just a friend. All of my friends in real life are skinny and healthy. They are all very active and I want to be able to join them in their activities, but I'm too overweight to do it right now. I used to love horseback riding and rock climbing, but I'm no longer able to do those as I'm too heavy to ride a horse and too big to fit in climbing gear. If you also want someone to account to, leave me a message or however this works. I'm not sure how to friend someone.


  • the_crazy_ninja
    Hey, send you an add :)

    I am also bipolar, taking meds and gained weight. I know ihow it is to feel like crap...but it will get better, if you take care of you and your body :)
  • katoriyukai
    Thank you. I really hope so. I'm planning on doing a walk/run to raise money for a non-profit mental health fundraiser in April which means I need to start getting in shape now. My dad works for the agency and I've been a part of it for years, but I haven't done the walk in a long time. I kept making up excuses as to why I shouldn't. I was diagnosed with depression when I was very young, but only recently in the past few years started to have manic episodes and when we changed my medicine for it, I gained a lot of weight really fast.
  • the_crazy_ninja
    Yes, these are the depressions. They stop you doing anything :(
    But step by step its getting better. I´m working on it for 4 years now and still have these episodes of no-go.
    Eat the right things help a lot and sports help a fight these stupid depressions!
  • katoriyukai
    It's getting better now that I'm making friends. I go out at least once a week now and I have a boyfriend who helps me branch out and meet new people. I realized when I graduated high school that the only people I really counted as friends, I had been friends with since 8th grade. I hadn't made a single friend that stuck during the entire four years I was at high school. It's funny, because now almost all of my friends, other than the ones I went to middle school with, went to my high school and I never talked to them.