fun tips and tricks

Hi all,

Just wanted to share a few of my tips and tricks for moving that scale down. I can use some new ideas, so please share!!

1-I love mixed nuts and dried fruit. although they are higher in calories, they hold my hunger well
2- I also love the new gum "dessert delights", they have flavors like root beer float, orange creamcicle and mint chocolate chip. When I want that dessert taste with 5 calories, it works for me
3- I also stop eating 2-3 hours before going to sleep. Whenever I do eat too close to bed, the scale is up and it's frustrating!
4-Cabbage, cabbage and more is such a great boost when I havent seen any scale movement. I put a whole head in a big pot with celery, big bunch of parsley and mushed whole tomatoes. I feel very cleansed and debloated afterwards.
5-get new sneakers...I have become slightly sneaker obsessed but if i'm gonna be in gym clothes/sneakers for the majority of my day might as well look cute! I kinda feel better when I walk into the gym,lol
6-Look in the mirror and find something postive....I am still working on this one daily. I zoom right for my belly pouch and feel so blah. I am trying to find something beautiful every morning.
7-Take a bath...I love to soak my sore muscles and actually think about it as I am working out. Gets me through...
8-skim plus milk in my coffee...some don't like this milk... but for me I love the richer flavor over regular skim. My coffee doesn't look as grey and therefore more exciting and something I look forward to in the am