Low Carb Dieters



  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    I'm a low carber and have just been told by two nurses that it could kill me.

    So I asked them - "Let's get this straight ... if I have meat, green veggies and potatoes on my plate I will live, and if I throw away the potatoes and eat the rest, I go to an early grave?"

    The biggest irony is that they both smoke.

  • 135nicole
    135nicole Posts: 7 Member
    I substitute potatoes with butternut squash which is allowed in the special carbohydrate diet. That worked, after I had it with the dinner, I didn't gained weight. Eating potato I would have.
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    Is anyone else on a low carb diet? I've been struggleing lately staying within my allowed carbs. Just curious if anyone else is out there on a low carb diet & have any pointers for me?

    It's so hard in the beginning, I remember it well, and kept slipping up, but finally I just snapped out of it and I have a few tricks that I did that help myself stay motivated and on track.

    My advice,

    -Focus on what you CAN eat, make yourself a list of what you can eat and tape it to your fridge. I made one. It lists: Bacon, Pepperoni, Nuts, Cheesesticks/Cheese, Celery w/peanut butter/cream cheese, spinach dip, sugar free jello/pudding, whipped cream, diet soda, peanut butter, pork rinds, deviled eggs, gucamole... etc etc etc.

    -Make yourself a list of WHY your trying to get healthier and what will happen if you do lose weight versus if you don't. My list is enormous. Just an example: If you do lose weight: You will be in the single digit clothing again If you don't lose weight: You will always be plus size.

    -Focus on how far you've come, I read you lost 6.6lbs, and thats AMAZING! This change your making is lifechanging, and challenging. Just making the first step is achievment enough. :)

    Hope this helps, my diary is open, and my instagram is FULL of delicious lowcarb food, username: jessicaonketo ANYONE can feel free to add me/follow me. :)
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    very low carb since oct 2011
    no problem.

    high amounts of efas, raw dairy creams and butter and complete proteins. The only carbs you should be eating are low glycemic index, nutrient dense greens. No sugars, no starches, no alcohols.No problems!

    happy training! Heavenly eating!
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I eat 20-25 NET carbs a day.

    For ME carbs ARE evil.

    I get so sick of people trying to tell others that carbs are OK.
    For some people they aren't. Some people cant have them. Some people dont like them. And some people just cant metabolize them.

    No bread, pasta, rice, cereal, wheat, grains, legumes, starchy vegetables or sugar (with the exception of the natural sugar in a few pieces of fruit I eat). Meaning I dont eat beans, corn, and things of that nature.

    It is a personal choice. And I see a lot of the "advice" given here is actually a personal opinion.

    I think ANYONE who is curious about what foods they should or should not eat should seek out a qualified medical person to help them.

    Not to mention, most diabetics eat low-carb. So if it is so bad, why is it so good? Makes no sense to me that so many people follow low carb no matter what disease they battle or dont and do so well with it.

    I have PCOS which causes me to be insulin resistant. For me carbs are evil. I can't lose weight if my diet is too high in them.

    Since adopting low-carb I have HIGHER energy, clarity and focus. I sleep better and I am a long time sufferer of insomnia. I have been treated for clinical mental problems in the past and I am now off all my medications. I am also now off all of my medications for my PCOS. Low carb helped me with that. I feel better overall. No more IBS, no more GERD. And plenty of other things that are positives since going low carb.

    I get my carbs from vegetables and very rarely some fruit. I eat meat from a butcher that processes from a local farm, my eggs are farm fresh. My produce comes from the farm behind me in season. I don't eat bad and all of my doctors tell me I am getting better every day.

    I have osteoarthritis in my hips and degenerative disc disease in my back. It is painful. Going low carb helps with the inflammation which helps me get on the treadmill every day.

    So, for some, certain carbs can be bad.
    For some, the only way to find out is with the help of a medical professional.

    Personally, I see no nutritional value in a bowl of spaghetti drowned in pasta sauce that is full of sugar despite the tomatoes. Not to mention, I dont like the crap feeling I get when I do eat them.

    Carbs are a personal preference and members here shouldn't be told to give up their lifestyle choice.


    Couldn't have said it better myself. I've been eating low=carb since January, 2012. Since eliminating grains and strictly restricting legums and fruit, I now have blood sugars in the normal range (and not "normal for a diabetic...normal) My cholesterol is well into normal range, my HDL:LDL ratio is approaching optimum, my triglycerides are excellent.

    Heartburn has competely disappeared and IBS flares maybe once a month v. mulitple times per day. And energy? I workout 6 days a week for 45 minutes - 2 hours.

    Carbs aren't evil for everyone, but they are sure something I avoid now that I've seen their effect on me
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Eating a low carb diet will alter your Leptin and Ghrelin levels which will effect your apatite in a bad way. Eat your carbs but pick the right ones, high in fiber and lots of nutrients.

    So says the man who has one pound to lose. Good luck with that, buddy!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you could just eat in a deficit and work out ....

    Trust me you do not need some "fad" diet to lose weight

    It is all about controlling what you eat and working out.

    Sometimes I eat lower carbs, sometimes a little bit higher..just depends....

    Good Luck.....
  • staceyd90
    staceyd90 Posts: 43
    Hii!! *Waves*

    Im on day 5 of being low carb and trying to stay under 1200 cals a day (pretty easy when you take the carbs out) but im pretty clueless still, Im eating what i think is healthy and reading packets but sometimes i look at my diary on here and wonder why there are so many carbs in a tomato or a pear! Haha, but feel free to add me :)
  • peepsnmax11
    I'm on a very low carb, low fat, low calorie diet. I eat 600-1000 calories a day, less than 25g of carbs, less than 35 g of fat. Before anyone gets on their high horse, I'm under a doctor's supervision, I go in for weekly check ups. I also take appetite suppressants before each meal, fiber pills, vitamins, and biweekly b12 injections (for energy). For me it was a hard switch. I love bread, and milk... etc. This is what I have to offer you.
    I eat five times a day with this calorie break down:
    Breakfast: 200
    Snack: 100
    Lunch: 200-250
    Snack: 100
    Dinner: 200-250
    Some days I don't eat any snacks, other I eat all of my alloted calories. For the first three days, all that I ate was lean protein. It was tough, but kicked me into ketosis. I then got to add good veggies, which was semi difficult given my carb allowance. Day 15 you add fruit 1-2 times a week.

    The biggest thing that helps me stay on track is keeping low carb snacks handy (Sugarfree Jell-o is a god send). I also precook/portion my food so all I have to do is grab a container and heat it up.

    Walden Farms makes a bunch of awesome everything free dressings, sauces, etc. They really help. Chicken gets old after awhile.

    Are you doing Medi-Thin?
  • japerkins65
    japerkins65 Posts: 3 Member
    Love al the low-carb recipes! It has been working for me. A favorite "treat" is microwave full fat pepperoni for 1 minute and then put cream cheese on it. Yummmm!