Broke my *kitten* on the Wii fit

dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so I have been working out pretty consistentley w/ the Wii fit for about a week now. Hour in the morning, 30min at night. Wii fit plus and Biggest Loser workouts respectively. So last night my hubby says, "Let's do bowling." Fine. 5th Frame, I line up take my shot and Bam! something snaps in my left glute. I crumple to the floor in pain. This morning I get up and it's tight and I can feel the nerve is pinched. I did my workout and it loosened up and felt pretty good. However now I am at work sitting in an office chair with excruciating pain. My question then is, do I go home and try to work out to loosen it up or let it rest for the night?


  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    You should always try to rest any injury, the more you stress it out it can get worse!!
  • evilras
    evilras Posts: 42
    STRETCH OFF BEFORE AND WARM DOWN AFTER!!! People often forget that wii is still exercise! Remember to stretch properly before you play!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Ok so ... Bam! something snaps in my left glute. I crumple to the floor in pain...with excruciating pain. My question then is, do I go home and try to work out to loosen it up or let it rest for the night?

    you should have called your doctor for a muscle relaxer before 5p Friday...that's the bewitching hour in my house, the kids don't get sick 'til then...Anyway,
    anything that snaps, unless you're often subject to it, is not good. Things tear in there!

    If you insist on playing doc, hot soak, muscle rub, heating pad, & get that knot out...if that's indeed what it is...

    hope you're better soon.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    strain, probably to the piriformis muscle which goes from you tailbone to the hip - it can pinch the nerve if it's too tight and if it's a strain the muscle's reaction is to seize up . . . ice for 5 minutes to reduce inflammation, slow stretch to your comfort zone (no pain, just gentle stretch), then hot epsom salts bath to relive overall tension.

    "To do the piriformis stretch, lie on your back, and flex the right hip and knee. Now, while grasping the right knee with your left hand, pull the knee towards your left shoulder. This adducts and flexes the hip. In this position, grasp just above the right ankle with the right hand, and rotate the ankle outwards. This applies internal rotation to the hip and completes the stretch. Another way to do this stretch is to stand on your left foot and place the right foot on a chair, such that the right knee and hip are flexed at about 90 degrees. Now, using the right hand, press the right knee across towards the left side of the body while keeping the ball of the right foot on the same spot on the chair. " -
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    also i agree with hooah - a "snap" sound can mean sprain (ligament injury) or severe strain and either way, it should be dealt with by your doc and/or massage therapist.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    Yeah I am sure it is just a pulled muscle. I just didn't know if I should let it be or try to loosen it up a bit, I am new to this whole Wii workout thing. I do warm up and cool down for every time tho. Plus I think I can scrounge up a muscle relaxer at home. :tongue:

    and thx for the great advice!
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