Working out 3-4x a week, not daily....



  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    I don't see many examples of people getting looked down upon for working out 3-4 days per week. Actually, that's far and away the most recommended workout frequency on this site. You're seeing something that isn't there. However, when people ask "How do you have the time?", that's usually a judgy statement implying that other people don't have as many important things to do as you.

    I'm not judging at all. I honestly am trying to figure out how it happens. Lots of my friends on here show daily workouts at the gym - burning anywhere from 200-1200 cals a day. So I'm wondering, how do they fit it in. I'm well aware that there are plenty of people who have busier lifestyles than myself. And in reading the answers here, I get it now. Some people wake up at the crack of dawn to get a work out in, etc. I am not able to do that, unfortunately. But it explains better how many people fit it in. Sorry if you interpreted me as judging others....
  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    So I'm curious - why do so many work out EVERY day?

    Because they feel they have to. The popular image of "fitness" is spending hours on the treadmill every day. The longer you spend on the treadmill, the more fit you are. It's insane.

    Um right. Because you totally know me and my reasons for doing what I do.

    I wasn't talking about YOU, I was generalizing about most people who go to the gym every day based on my experience.

    Yes, some people have better reasons. Some love working out. Some are training for a specific sport or event. Whatever. Those are fine.

    I personally don't see results in simply doing cardio anyhow. I'm sure some do. And I know the cardiovascular results aren't as "visible" as weight loss results. I generally do some cardio but see better results in reshaping my figure by doing circuit training or the weight machines.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I work out every day precisely to *make* the time. I get out of bed and I work out. No time to make excuses, no time to get distracted by other things. No laying in bed wondering whether or not today is a workout day.

    This morning I slept in because I had a bad night. I am doing chair aerobics and stretching in the office because I wont get home until after 10pm. So, a lot of mental effort for a mediocre workout. You better believe I will be working out when I get up tomorrow!

    For rest days, I just work out lighter, but at the same time. For example, I use the Wii a lot. I will do 20-40 minutes of Ea Active (circuit training) and fill out the hour with cardio most days. Every once in awhile, I will Zumba for the whole hour, which is still high intensity. But sometimes, I will just piddle around on balance games and light aerobics for an hour.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I exercise typically 6 days a week. Lifting 3x a week at home, usually between 30-45 minutes a pop, doing stuff like scooping cat boxes or loading the dishwasher or folding laundry between sets. I run 3x a week, too, between 3-6 miles. That's about 4.5-5 hours total per week... or about 4% of my waking time.

    Since I have weights at home and run outside, there's no time spent commuting to and from the gym. That helps a lot, because the commute was what I hated most about the gym.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'm following the Jamie Eason program from, and in the beginning I'm working out 4 days in a row, then 3 days off. By the end of the program, I'll be working out 6 days per week. I think the idea of every other day has to do with recovery of muscle groups, so if you're working out every day, you want to change the muscle group you're working on.
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    I work out six days a week as well but first of all let me say that I think that is really crappy if anyone looks down on you for working out 3-4 days a week!!! Everyone needs to find what works best for them. I get up at 4:30 am to workout while my kids are still sleeping. I too am a single mom but I am my daughter is 12 can do the babysitting if my 8yr old wakes up before I get back. When I first started working out I found that when I was working out in the evenings or during my lunch break I was having a really hard time findig motivation. Working out as soon as I get up doesn't give me much time for excuses uknow.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    So I'm curious - why do so many work out EVERY day?

    Because they feel they have to. The popular image of "fitness" is spending hours on the treadmill every day. The longer you spend on the treadmill, the more fit you are. It's insane.

    Um right. Because you totally know me and my reasons for doing what I do.

    I workout every day because I like to. I love lifting weights. I love doing my cardio. I feel awesome, energized and accomplished when I'm finished. I love the way I feel sore the next day. I love the gains I make. I love it when every week I lift a little bit more and break my own PR's, I get crabby when I don't or can't workout. I like being active. I like the muscles that I have from my exercise.

    I just plain like working out.

    Oh and I don't spend "hours on the treadmill." In fact my daily cardio is 30 minutes long followed by an 60-70 minutes of lifting.

    I LOL'd at this. Shall a "Sarcasm" sign be posted next time.

    I understood what he meant. There are quite a few people who workout everyday, and hate it, but because they saw it on The Biggest Loser they they think 90 minutes of cardio 8 days a week is required to lose weight not understanding how important rest days are.

    And yes, they quit. You can see in their face how much they hate it and they always the spring when they realize it's almost "swimsuit seasion" and in the winter at "resolution" time.
  • DiannaDC
    DiannaDC Posts: 48 Member
    I work out about five days a week. I'm a stay at home mom to a seven year old who is in school all day and an almost six month old. I take her along with me to the YMCA and she stays in the daycare while I work out. I don't normally work out on Saturday or Sunday because my son plays two sports and Saturdays are his games and Sundays my husband works and the gym closes early. Other than that if I can't make it to the gym I run the golf course with baby in the stroller and my son on his bike.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i try to do something active at least once a day and have at least 4 days of exercise if not 6 (sometimes 7 teehee)

    i work out and stay active because i LOVE IT!! i worked out while i gained weight so i already know exercise and weight loss arent a given
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    I'm training for a sport that I'm not gifted at, so I get at least 6 days of physical activity, whether I want it or not, lol! I'm one of those that needs to compete to get off my lazy butt. If I'm not training, I'm lucky to get up and do something 3-4X a week, and I don't give a flying fig what anyone thinks about that.

    If losing weight is what you're looking to do, you don't need to work out all week long. I could burn quite a bit in 4 days, if losing weight was my goal.

    I'm often training for something, and that's what motivates me to move 6 days a week, one rest day to recover. Sometimes I'm not feeling it and don't get all 6, but that's the goal. I'm mostly here because I can eat all my burned calories and more. Trying to rein in that appetite and learn to get more out of less.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi all, I walk 5 x per week because that is how I get to work - walk/get train/walk both directions, it's about 5km per day.

    This year I joined the gym. I go at 5am weekdays because that is what I can fit in. I planned to do 3 days on Mon, Wed, Fri, but it's much easier just to get up at 5am on sequential days. So my routine has more or less settled on Monday and Friday being rest days (and sleep in until 6), with Tues weights, Wed HIIT, Thurs weights - being 5am gym days. Then I go on Saturday to do a full body weights workout and HIIT, and that makes 4 gym days.

    Works for me! Plus, I really enjoy it! If I didn't, I would not go. Sometimes I go on Sundays, but again, it's if I feel like it.
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I actually love the endorphin rush I get from running - plus my dog is a very high energy dog. So I run 5-6 days a week, about 30-40 minutes each time, and on Saturdays I do my long runs. Generally, those long runs are trail runs in the mountains so it becomes a "run until it's too steep, and then hike-climb the rest of the way".

    I do an at home weight routine 4-5 times a week using dumbells, a pull up bar, a yoga ball, and my body weight. It's not as great as what I could be doing at the gym, but it works for me as a broke college student!