What the heck am I doing?!?! Anyone else like this???

j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been on MFP for a while now I had lost a about 50lbs however depression kicked in and I gained some of that back. I went into the hospital and they completely changed all my meds. Now I no longer crave sweets or any of that crap it actually making me sick to my stomach. so why in the heck am I still shoveling it down??? Is it just going to take me a while to learn that I don't like it anymore. This is so weird to me. Once I stop eating the crap I will like the idea i just need to train my brain to stop or maybe my hands from stopping it from going into my mouth. :laugh:


  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I think some of my eating is just habit. Like when I drive, I think that I need to eat. Or maybe when watching TV. So now - I try not to watch as much TV to break that habit. I still have to drive, so I am trying to find better things to eat while I do it. Good luck!
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    For me it is habit also. I have changed many of my routines so that I am not tempted. I walk a lot to just get away from the temptations. I also no longer buy the stuff when I am at the store. If I don't have it in my house I don't eat it. I also make sure I go shopping after a meal to help stop impulse buys.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I have been on MFP for a while now I had lost a about 50lbs however depression kicked in and I gained some of that back. I went into the hospital and they completely changed all my meds. Now I no longer crave sweets or any of that crap it actually making me sick to my stomach. so why in the heck am I still shoveling it down??? Is it just going to take me a while to learn that I don't like it anymore. This is so weird to me. Once I stop eating the crap I will like the idea i just need to train my brain to stop or maybe my hands from stopping it from going into my mouth. :laugh:

    That's awesome you no longer have the cravings, that's huge in itself!! :drinker:

    Sometimes I can really spot a situation with junk food or eating when it's not planned by keeping a diary of WHAT and WHY I might be feeling the need to eat that particular thing right then. Emotional eating is a toughie to unlearn but I do believe it's possible. Hang in there and you noticing it is a great first step, realizing you don't actually have the craving but realize you're eating it anyway can help you get to the next step. I find when I become aware of what I'm doing is half the battle of making more permanent changes.

    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    I agree with the habit theory. In fact I'm reading a book right now, called The End of Overeating, and it talks about how we can become conditioned to eat certain foods at certain times because we have created a habit of it, not because we have an actual need for it. Particularly with sweets, we are most vulnerable. In the book, the author talks about an experiment where the subjects (I think they were rats) were given a sugary treat at a certain time of the day for one week. Another group was given a healthy treat at the same time. After one week, the sweet group had their treats taken away yet they still went searching for it in the same place at the same time. The other group was given the healthy treat for several weeks and when it was taken away they didn't demonstrate the same habit of looking for it that the first group did. Apparently sugar taps into some prehistoric survival need that other food such as broccoli does not....

    But don't beat yourself up over this, you are certainly not alone! And you WILL beat it - you've done it before and you will do it again!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I eat sweets--chocolate--to make me feel happier. Now that I am on a diet, I limit myself to the bite-size candy, 1 or 2, when I start feeling the urge for chocolate. It is a habit, as much as anything. Part of dieting is gradually changing our habits--reducing some and cutting out others, totally. Try to figure out what you are feeling when you reach for the sweets. Then try to figure out why you are feeling that way. I took a college course on understanding myself. I do not like analysing my feelings, but I figured out several truths and grew in the process. What do you think. Will it work for you? Hope so. Hugs from a fellow chocolate person. ;)
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I ...no longer crave sweets or any of that crap it actually making me sick to my stomach. so why in the heck am I still shoveling it down??? Is it just going to take me a while to learn that I don't like it anymore. This is so weird to me. Once I stop eating the crap I will like the idea i just need to train my brain to stop or maybe my hands from stopping it from going into my mouth. :laugh:

    Sweetie, have you given any significant thought to what it is that you may really be craving? I only ask this bec' you mentioned depression almost immediately. I hope that it is something simple....

    Be well & Be good to yourself.
  • It's emotional. I'm happy, I eat. I'm sad, I eat. I'm bored, I eat. I don't even think i've tasted half of what i've ever eaten...I just swallow it until I feel sick. Because I suffer from depression, when I feel sick from eating it's like thats how I was punishing myself. Maybe it's not for you, but I can relate.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I have noticed since I got out of the hospital and started feeling better and Im not always sick that I'm bored a lot more. I spent most of my day (im on disabilty) just laying around the house because I was sick all the time. Now I'm feeling so much better, I'm waking up a lot earlier and not taking naps I'm seriously just walking around my house looking for something to do. I'm trying to limit my tv and computer time. Im so glad its spring now because I can get out there and start exercising more. I would go nuts if it would be winter and I would be going through this. Even though if it was winter i would have more time for swimsuit season. :laugh: I have lots of outside stuff to do however, since I haven't felt good enough long enough im still on a lot of you can't do instead of you can do. :tongue:
  • usually emotional or depression drive to wanting to crave for food even when not hungry, especially when you are not hungry. like for me, i used to always sneak some sweet food and chips into my room... cause i was i wanted to eat my depression away... and it end up hurting me a lot. but, if you get sick from eating sweet things, dont you think you should find something else. so you dont feel sick? like try plain popcorn or fruits, or maybe even veggie?

    well i hope that helps
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    One thing that I do to help curb the unnecessary eating as much as I can is to keep my hands busy. If I'm knitting, sewing, or egads cleaning...I can't eat. It doesn't always work. Writing papers for school kills me as far as dieting goes. That is stress eating at its finest in my house. Good luck!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I have some of these issues also. For me I do great all day then blow it at 8:30 pm once I put my kids to bed. I try to go to bed myself if I feel like eating, but that doesn't always work. I know I am not hungry, but it is like I can't stop myself. I want to talk with a Dr about it, but life happens and I still have not called anyone for an apt. Can't really afford it either.
    Looks like it is an issue for more people than I guest it would be.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I have my cheat day once a week. I thoroughly enjoy them as I eat stuff that I don't allow myself to eat most of the time. However, I feel awful when I eat like that. I get so dried out and feel almost hungover. I'm sure it's because my body isn't used to so much salt, fat, and sugar. Usually drinking alot of water and getting back into the healthy eating habit makes me feel better.
    Most of the eating I did in the past was more out of comfort or cravings and than it was due to hunger. That was my main issue. Now that I eat healthy food and don't let myself get hungry, I don't have as many cravings. You just need to get used to a new way of eating. I agree it's probably more habit than anything else.
  • Yeah I agree with the majority of everyone else. You are eating the sweets out of habbit. Whenever I feel hungry I just eat something that I can eat on my diet. Or I chug a bottle of water. That helps me.
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