Getting started again after a miscarriage.

My husband and I lost the baby with our second pregnancy in March. I had a D&C on April 1. It's over a week later, my body feels like it's pretty much back to normal, but whenever I start working out I have no stamina. I'm actually in physical pain as I work out. I've had to go home after a few minutes each time I've gone to the gym. How and when do I get back into the gym? I have a follow-up appointment on April 19 and I will talk to my doctor too for sure. Thanks, everyone.



  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I am so very sorry for your loss. Losing a baby at any stage of pregnancy is so sad!

    As far as your body is concerned you just had a baby. There is healing that needs to take place where the placenta was attached. Also, since you had a D&C there is a lot of "damage" from all of the scraping.

    Please allow your body the 4-6 weeks to heal before resuming intense excercise. For now, consider simple floor stretches and walking. (possibly yoga). Walking can be so therapeutic for you body and your mind.

    Praying for you.

  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    First and foremost - I am sorry to hear of your loss. FWIW - give your body and mind time to heal. You will get a great deal of unsolicitied and unprofessional -AKAn - people on this site are not physicians- yet give a great deal of advice
    Cut yourself some slack and speak with your physician for proper advice, on April 19th.
  • jmatecki
    jmatecki Posts: 32
    I'm sorry for your loss I also went through that myself a few years ago and it was a very emotional time. You need to let your body heal and your emotions too =) I'm here anytime you need to talk. I would suggest light walking, stretching, meditation. Although it may not get you weight loss right now it gives you the time you need right now. But you do need to get with your doctor asap b/c you shouldn't be having pain. Take care of yourself =)
  • durbanski
    durbanski Posts: 183 Member
    I'm very sorry for you and your husband. Time heals all wounds. You'll find incredible support here I promise :)
  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a D&C on January 20th and I didn't start working out till around mid February. My body and mind needed some time to heal and deal with the loss. Since March I've been at it hard working out around 5 times a week. Definitely give your body some time to heal. If you need to talk or want a workout buddy, I'd be happy to be there for you. I hope this helps.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Having had a miscarriage and two c-sections, my doctor always said wait about 6 weeks before doing "strenuous" physical activiy. It takes about that long for your uterus to shring back into place - in either case, and until then everything is sensitive and there could be some tissue damage (all normal) that needs to heal (from EITHER the pregnancy, the miscarriage or the D&C - I wouldn't presume to know from which). Of course, *I* never listed - I did what I felt like I could nd got yelled at every time. :-p

    I think talking to your doctor is a good idea and I suspect he or she will say something similar about how long you should wait. If you insist on working out, then I would say stay away from the nautilus equipment and go with swimming, regular paced walking, and general stretching - not even necessarily yoga. Nothing that's going to risk pulling, tearing or otherwise damaging internal tissue. Also, *alot* depends on how far along you were. A miscarriage at 3 months is VERY different than one at 3 weeks and far more critical that you take care of your body and ensure infection doesn't set in, so none of us here can really give you what ma necessarily be pertinent suggestions. Many are pretty general, but still may not be applicable to your situation.

    You may or may not be aware that if this was your first pregnancy, then chances are, this miscarriage ranks up there with the other 90% of women that experience them (even if they don't know it), particularly with firsts. After mine, my ex and I tried again roughly a year later and everything was fine.

    Good luck on making another baby - although miscarriage can be heartbreaking for a time, no one really knows what causes them and as soon as that becomes accepted by both parents and the common feelings of anger and blame subside (which not everyone has), then I found that's when you know you're ready to try again.
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    I am so sorry for your loss.

    I agree with those up above. Give your body time to heal. Until then go for walks.
  • confuseacat
    confuseacat Posts: 137 Member
    My advice would be to wait till your follow up appointment to talk to the Dr. about your exercise and nutrition plan. Give yourself some time for your body to heal.Continue to take supplements if your doctor has already prescribed them. Have the Dr. check your iron levels. Walking is a good way to get some activity till you see the Dr. Very sorry this happened to you.