New and over 300# looking for support and friends



  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    I started at 305 January 6th and am down 27ish pounds. I have arthritis in both hips and recent foot surgery so I completely understand how hard it is to get moving!

    Here is how I have managed to lose weight. I log everything I put in my mouth! I eat what I like, I just learned to cook foods that are clean and healthy that I like! (It took a few weeks, and many a botched meal to figure this out.) I drink a ton of water! My water bottle is always full. I try to drink 20 ounces of water every hour. I found protein bars that meet my needs for protein and that I like. They are my treat now, and I love them.

    I do lost the first 16 pounds just by eating healthier and staying within my caloric intake for the day. Now, I get a little more exercise, but the trick for me was finding something I liked. Right now its dancing while doing the dishes and cooking, and folding laundry. I also choreograph, so I just demonstrate more and sit less. Exercise only works if you enjoy it. So play with it, and don't push yourself too hard. Take it slow, one day at a time.

    Portion control, and finding foods that were healthy and tasted good was my goal.
  • midwesternwind
    midwesternwind Posts: 20 Member
    I am doing water aerobics two days a week for exercise and walking on a treadmill at home on the days I don't have water aerobics.

    As for working at DQ...that doesn't bother me. I lose weight when I work there. I have been working at DQ since1980 and I don't snack when working there. Inbetween jobs I go home and cook a meal and eat before I go to work. I am too busy to eat at DQ anyways.

    As for cooking for my adult kids...I love cooking and I am the type I don't like others messing in my kitchen if they don't have just me. Yes the kids do cook for themselves if I am not there but to have everyone fix all sorts of meals can be expensive on everyone...thats why I try to cook supper and they fend for themselves the breakfast and lunch. I was raised by a mom who always had fresh cookies for up growing up and I like to do that for my son also.
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    I cook treats for my kids all the time. I just avoid them. It really isn't that hard as my scale is right underneath the cookie jar, so I have to step on it to get the cookies. Nice little reminder not to have any!

    I started to learn to cook healthier meals, and my children (though they are young love them. ) Chicken, whole grain pasta a little olive oil and some feta cheese mixed in with some herbs of my choosing (its different every time I cook) so the flavor is great. A side of veggies steamed and a salad and my kids are all smiles for dinner.

    I never used to keep raw veggies in the house, or fresh fruit, now our fridge is packed with them. I wash everything and place them in Tupperware so even my 3 year old and go grab whatever she wants to snack on. It has been a life saver and time saver for me.

    I found a protein bar that I love! That is my "treat" once a or twice a day. Healthy, and packed with iron which I need as I am anemic. Find a groove and you'll be saying the same thing I have been saying, "Losing weight is easy"