What helps keep me full.

So I've seen a lot of people have issues with diets because they don't feel full after every meal... I find that drinking a cup of water before and then a cup of water after every meal REALLY helps to keep me full. After all sometimes when you think your hungry it could be just that your thirsty so you'll know after the first cup. Hope that was somewhat useful! Try it out! And what are your secrets to staying full? (:


  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    That's a great tip. I do the same. Whenever I think I'm hungry I go for a glass of water first then I know if I really am or not. Second thing I do is eat slow. I notice that periodically I want to eat just to enjoy eating.
  • I do that too! (: the longer it takes me to finish is usually the less I eat. I like to converse when I'm eating because I have to stop to talk and sometimes the conversation gets so deep it's takes a while before I can get to my next bite! ^-^
  • It's posts like this that make me love this site... the "experts" would tell you to not drink the water, and definitely not to focus on anything but eating. I find the more distracted I am, the less I eat, and water definitely helps fill 'er up!

    I do tend to eat pretty quickly though - always so much to do that I don't make the time to always enjoy my meals. I have to work on that. It'll be interesting to see what others come up with.
  • alannabowes
    alannabowes Posts: 30 Member
    I am hungry now and I had water before and after my meal. But I'm also over my calorie limit by 400. Any suggestions? I feel like I won't be able to sleep without eating more. Is this just my stomach needing to get used to having less food in it? it's literally growling...
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Drinking water is an excellent idea. People can definitely confuse hunger with dehydration. Even when people say they are working out more and they are more hungry, it could be dehydration and not actual hunger. A dietician told me this. I tried it. I started drinking more water and it worked. I was thirsty, not hungry. And my excuse could not be "I'm working out more so i'm hungry" anymore!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Can you review your diary and see where you might be lacking? Did you eat less yesterday or the past two days? Did you drink enough water? When I'm having one of those days, I just eat what I want rather than trying to fill up on the stuff I don't want. At the end of the day, I still log it, but I review my diary and find out where I went wrong. Learn from it and move on.
    I am hungry now and I had water before and after my meal. But I'm also over my calorie limit by 400. Any suggestions? I feel like I won't be able to sleep without eating more. Is this just my stomach needing to get used to having less food in it? it's literally growling...
  • alannabowes
    alannabowes Posts: 30 Member
    I just started doing this today, and have only eaten two meals (breakfast and dinner) - skipped snacking because my breakfast was more calories than I expected. Still not really sure how all of this works together. Have had 8 glasses of water & one apple juice today, too
  • carolyn000000
    carolyn000000 Posts: 179 Member
    I am hungry now and I had water before and after my meal. But I'm also over my calorie limit by 400. Any suggestions? I feel like I won't be able to sleep without eating more. Is this just my stomach needing to get used to having less food in it? it's literally growling...
    I have to make sure I have enough calories before noon, at least 500, or I get hungry at night. Almonds are especially helpful because they help keep blood sugar level. Otherwise, it is okay to be hungry. You may not sleep well but would you rather lose sleep or not lose weight? I used to say I had to eat something or I would not be able to sleep. Now I say, "Oh well, I would rather be sleepy tomorrow than fat." The thing of it is, losing weight is hard, and we have to do hard things to take it off.

    If you really have to eat something try egg beaters, low calorie but keeps you full.

    Good luck!
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I just started doing this today, and have only eaten two meals (breakfast and dinner) - skipped snacking because my breakfast was more calories than I expected. Still not really sure how all of this works together. Have had 8 glasses of water & one apple juice today, too

    Let me guess - you have your weight loss goal set at 2 lbs a week and it says to eat 1,200 calories? Don't worry, we've all done it. Life will be much easier if you set it to 1 lb a week.

    That being said, this is your first day and you're still learning. Today you learned that you need to have an idea of what you're eating BEFORE it goes down the hatch, instead of eating it, then logging it and saying "Whoops, there goes half my calories for the day". If you don't space your calories out properly, you'r in danger of becoming Ravenous Godzilla in the evening. Some people don't even change what they eat at all until they've logged for a week or two so they can first face the facts of what they're really eating, and also because they can then go back over the log and get some ideas of what's going wrong. Most, if not all, of us were pretty surprised that we were eating way more than we thought.

    So, eat a piece of fruit or something tonight if your stomach is growling, and start over tomorrow with better choices in your foods, drinks and calorie goals.
  • bi0nicw0man
    bi0nicw0man Posts: 56 Member
    I just started doing this today, and have only eaten two meals (breakfast and dinner) - skipped snacking because my breakfast was more calories than I expected. Still not really sure how all of this works together. Have had 8 glasses of water & one apple juice today, too

    Let me guess - you have your weight loss goal set at 2 lbs a week and it says to eat 1,200 calories? Don't worry, we've all done it. Life will be much easier if you set it to 1 lb a week.

    That being said, this is your first day and you're still learning. Today you learned that you need to have an idea of what you're eating BEFORE it goes down the hatch, instead of eating it, then logging it and saying "Whoops, there goes half my calories for the day". If you don't space your calories out properly, you'r in danger of becoming Ravenous Godzilla in the evening. Some people don't even change what they eat at all until they've logged for a week or two so they can first face the facts of what they're really eating, and also because they can then go back over the log and get some ideas of what's going wrong. Most, if not all, of us were pretty surprised that we were eating way more than we thought.

    So, eat a piece of fruit or something tonight if your stomach is growling, and start over tomorrow with better choices in your foods, drinks and calorie goals.

    THIS. I was going to type very much the same thing. You're on your first day and still learning. Eat a few crackers or a piece of fruit to get you through the evening...then tomorrow try to log things before you eat them so you can eliminate a few calories if needed. Also, try to eat protein at every meal...it's the key to staying full longer in my opinion.
  • alannabowes
    alannabowes Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks so much everyone:) glad to know I'm not alone!!!
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I am a big snacker, so the water has helped me a GREAT deal! I am definitely drinking the 8 glasses a day and it helps! I also bought prepackaged nuts--they keep you full! They have the calories already at 100 and kind of keep me full!

    I also find bananas and apples are keeping me more full than I used to be.

    Lastly, I am eating a greek yogurt almost every afternoon so I don't go into the "stress/bored/busy" hours when I want to snack while cooking, car pooling, helping with homework--etc.

    Learn to log more and more and you will start to see where you can add!
    Good luck!
  • ggoetz1
    ggoetz1 Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure what "experts" you are talking about. But almost every article I have read regarding weight loss recommends drinking a glass of water before every meal.
  • os2013
    os2013 Posts: 11 Member
    Drink your water, eat more protein - these will make you "feel" less hungry