Just joined...

Hi, I discovered this site last night and am now inspired to get fit afer reading the myfitnesspal logs and reviewing the tools. I've exercised moderately over the last two years but lost my motivation recently after getting caught up with work deadlines for a few weeks (I also started gaining weight). My eating, drinking, sleep and exercise habits flew out the window. It's helps to know that others are working hard at fitness and that we are in this together. I am looking forward to your posts and to giving and receiving encouragement.


  • FitFifty
    FitFifty Posts: 8 Member
    [Live like there's no tomorrow, Love like you've never been hurt, Dance like nobody's watching]
  • KristineKaye
    Welcome! I joined yesterday after a friend told me about it. I'm really hoping this will work, its nice to see everyone working towards a similar goal. Good Luck to you!:bigsmile:
  • FitFifty
    FitFifty Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck to you too. We're in it to win it - let's do it and have fun.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Welcome! :)
  • gloomyBEAR_QT
    Hi! I just joined and am enthusiastic to be here! I have been wanting to lose weight for the longest and the "You are what you eat" lady (Gillian McKeith) has movtivated to take the plunge. Plus I like this site how you can watch what you eat and have your daily electronic journal. Plus the support on this website!!!

    And welcome FitFifty, KristineKaye & all join today! Let's burn some cals and get healthier than we are today!!! =)