Your most embarrassing moment



  • Freedomgurl585
    Freedomgurl585 Posts: 196 Member
    Most embarrassing moment #2: 6th grade and my friends are spinning me on the swings. You know where you twist up the chains all the way up as high as you can and then swing in the opposite direction for maximum velocity spinning? Yea...I went so fast I peed and it was the second day of my period so I had a HUGE pink stain on my butt and the whole front of my pants. Thank goodness for good friends who walked one in front and one behind to get me back in the school. Most horrible part...I had to go back to class and present my dismissal note from the nurse to my teacher so i hobbled against the wall while everyone stared at me and made my way to the front of the class, gave the note to the teacher (which had fallen in the toilet btw) then hobbled myself back keeping my but against the wall.

    Yep...I won Class Clutz in my high school graduating class. Edited for spelling.
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    Third grade. I was a pretty ackward and unsocialized kid that really didn't leave the house much and when studying at home my parents had this rule that there would be no TV or radio or anything on so I always ended up studying in total silence as they read the daily paper. This was fine at home but became a problem at school because due to the sounds of kids being kids, fidgeting around, papers shuffling etc., I would get SUPER distracted and couldn't concentrateto study or take tests or anything. So I came up with this brilliant idea and knew that if only I had earplugs I would be able to study in school. I didn't have earplugs. Then one day during a timed test, it all came together. Being the resourceful chap I was I tore the erasers off of two pencils, jammed them in my ears and completed my test on time with no problems. What I hadn't planned was how to get the earplugs out. A conversation with the teacher, a trip to the doctor, and a whole lot embarassment later, I survived but this one still comes around to haunt me from time to time on the "stupid things I did as a kid" list.
  • coleeli
    coleeli Posts: 40 Member
    I was in third grade math and I raise my hand to ask my teacher if I could go use the bathroom. My stomach was gurgling but my teacher says wait until after the lesson. I waited and felt even worse...felt like my intestines were roving around in there so again I ask if I can go potty or to the nurse. NO wait until the lesson is over! So I waited a few more minutes...and suddenly I projectile vomited across the table, hitting the kids across from me...the force of the vomit made my *kitten* muscles loose focus and I shat myself...forcefully and noisily. Then I looked down at the mess in front of me, smelled the mess in my underwear and vomited AGAIN and **** AGAIN! We had a little old lady with a gimpy arm like in Scary movie and she came over (she was really nice) shoved paper towels in my mouth with her gimpy arm and I got up from my seat...leaving a pile of wet doo behind and each footstep as i hobbled my way into the bathroom left little splatters of doo in the hallway.

    I locked myself in the girls bathroom and peeled off my shoes, socks, undies and tried to flush it (I was NINE), clogged the toilet, then realized that I'm truly covered in **** so I get my bum in the sink to wash off... THE SINK BROKE OFF THE WALL cuz I climbed on top to rinse my bum. There was water everywhere...mixed with poop.

    My principal herself came and knocked on the door and brought me fresh clothes. My parents still rip on me about the smell of crap permeating the whole school when they arrived the pick me up.

    True story. Blackmail worthy.

    Oh. My. God. I'm crying... too funny. Poor third grade you!
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    I asked a guy to dance in middle school, he said yes took me to the middle of the floor then made a huge scene about how I was disgusting and no one would want to be with me and I should just die.

    Or the time I was at a dance and I was doing the chacha slide and the *kitten* of my pants split.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    The day my dad found out i had enlisted in the Army......we went to bar, had some beers ( i was only 17 too ), had a hot older woman hitting on me, then found out she was a hooker he got me.

    This reminded me of my buddy. We went to a bar and he was hitting on this one older lady. I swing by to see what the two were up to. They seemed to be into each other. (Beer goggles totally on).

    Conversation led to her showing us her denchers. The next morning he was bragging about the hot date he had. We all clued him in :)