I fell off :(

I have been doing so great for over a year now. However, for about the last 3 weeks I have been doing horrible. I have continued to exercise, but I have been having horrible binges almost everyday. I am so mad at myself!! I know I am hurting myself, but I feel like I just can't control it. I feel horrible from all of the junk I have been eating. I just wanted to vent. Thanks


  • flowerpwr63
    Hi, I did the same thing. For the past 2 weeks, I've been treating myself horribly. I do know better too. I had to tell myself that I'm worth all of the hard work. And that I should be and will be very proud of what I have and will accomplish. Even if my husband isn't. I don't ask him about it anymore. In fact, I don't say anything to him anymore about my dieting. I figure he'll notice someday.
    As for binging, I still do that. There's that darn bag of H. kisses so close by. And to top it off, I work in a grocery store.
    You can't be mad at yourself. You just say, ok, I know I screwed up but tomorrow is another day and I'll do better. That's what I normally do.
    You can vent at anytime. That's what we're here for. It's nice to have someone/something to vent too.
    Good luck, you can do it. We all can do it!:flowerforyou:
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    At least you are aware of what you have been doing which is a step in the right direction so good for you. I would encourage you to just get back up and keep on trying. Today is a new day and starting over is always an option. Remember all of the weight you have lost and the great success that has been yours. So yay for you :flowerforyou:
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    How are getting access to the bad stuff? You should trash any kind of junk stash you have in the house so that if you do binge it's on something not so bad for you. I can tell you, if I was living at my parents house I wouldn't last a week without falling off the wagon, everything is high calorie, high carb/sugar junk.

    Try to free your environment of any kind of junk and do a restart. Make big big bowls of salad and throw stuff into it. Good luck!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Only thing to do is to get back on! Don't you dare feel guilty about your binges. It's happened, it's over.

    May I make a suggestion? Maybe you've started to binge because you're depriving yourself! Food tastes good; we all know it. There's no reason not to eat the foods you love! GIve yourself a chance to eat whatever food you want at least twice a month. I've known people to be able to cheat on their diet a few times a week and still have results, but it might not work for you. So at least try once every two weeks; eat anything you want. But don't binge! Just a meal. Or a snack. If you decide you want something that doesn't come in a single serving size, measure out a serving and put the rest up! Out of sight, out of mind. It'll keep you from binging when you do cheat. Cheating every once and a while is a great way for most people to boost their metabolism! And it just tastes good. God didn't give us taste buds to only eat "rabbit food."
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    So you ate some things not so good for you...it's ok. Just get back on the horse that you jumped off of and start anew. We have ALL eaten things that make us feel guilty. But if we keep beating ourselves up over it, we are bound to fail. Good luck to you...and as always, we are all here to help and listen. :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's how you eat most of the time that counts right? Ok, schedule a cheat day for yourself every week. You can eat whatever you want that day. No food is off limits. The other 6 days of the week you will exercise, make healthy eating choices, and you will log everything you put in your mouth. Trust me it works.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks every one for your comments. Tomorrow is a new day, and I am going to get myself back on track. It helps to have people that you can vent to. :)
  • Melwith9
    Melwith9 Posts: 17
    I totally agree with a the *cheat* day. Eating low calorie days 7 days a week can set your body into starvation..tossing a high calorie day in there resets it.. Even WW gives you extra points to use during the week. Friday is usually my cheat day.. I don't go overboard but I will enjoy some pizza for dinner... or some popcorn with that movie.
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I'm kind of with you on this. I've been eating at or slightly above my maintenance levels almost daily for the past two weeks or so and have not gained or lost any weight as a result. I'm not sure what to do in my personal case though as I have other factors involved like disordered eating/ self esteem stuff.

    I just wanted to say that you are not alone.
  • rachaelbermingham
    You've lost 40lbs! Just iamgine how many weeks bingeing you'd have to do to put that back on. It's not going to happen is it? So really don't feel bad. I've just eaten 2 Milky Ways and will indulge in chocolate later on this evening. I just accept that every so often my tummy beast will take over. But as long as I lock it away when it's had it's play I know I can get back to being good.