how do you guys stay motivated

When you aren't seeing the progress you would like? :(


  • 33Chief
    33Chief Posts: 106 Member
    It happens to all of us. Sometimes you just plataeu a little. Other times you just have to ensure you are making honest, good choices. When I hit a lull in progress I step my workouts up a bit and that normally helps. Keep strong!
  • Honeybea86
    Its hard but knowing that even if my body isnt making the physical change just yet it is getting stronger and faster. My accomplishments in the gym and during my runs show me I am on the right track. Sometimes you can't measure your success by the way you look or what the scale shows you but how much you have improved physically
  • cahair72
    cahair72 Posts: 3 Member
    I haven't been seeing much of any process lately. However, I am staying motivated because I feel better. Of course I got a boost of motivation when my 2 year old saw an advertisement for Dr. Oz with a 700lb woman and said "that's Mommy"....I do not weigh anywhere near that nor have I. I worked out a little harder that day.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Like carrying a torch, every day is an effort.
  • stacezilla
    I've only lost 5-6 lbs since January and I want to lose 16 more. My measurements don't seem to be moving but I can go longer and at a higher level than I could before with cardio. Also I went up on some weighted leg work but other than that nothing. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I look at the progress that I've made. Take before shots, take measurements, and then look at the bigger picture. Even if your weight goes down, do you really think you would've been better off eating that office face cake for Tina's birthday? She's always spreading gossip anyway. SCREW YOU TINA I LIVE MY OWN LIFE!
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    just thinking of how good i feel after a workout, the confidence boost you get from being healthy, how much easier things are to do than for some other people. if you arent seeing results, change it up. You may be at a plateau.
  • WarningBell
    I look at the progress that I've made. Take before shots, take measurements, and then look at the bigger picture. Even if your weight goes down, do you really think you would've been better off eating that office face cake for Tina's birthday? She's always spreading gossip anyway. SCREW YOU TINA I LIVE MY OWN LIFE!

    Seriously lol'ed.. all I could think of was "DAMNIT, PATRICE!"
  • dinoskycm
    I would keep a journal of your workouts and how you felt after each workout. That has helped me out a bunch. I started writing down exactly what I did and if i felt like it was hard or easy, and I'll go back and read those entries from like two months ago and compare them to what I can do now. The change may not reflect on the scale, but it reflects in your body and how you feel, and that's always been the most important part for me. Plus, journaling gives you a written document of your progress that you'll always have to look back on.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Everyday I get on here and I look at my before pics. I don't want to go back so I choose to stay on track.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've only lost 5-6 lbs since January and I want to lose 16 more. My measurements don't seem to be moving but I can go longer and at a higher level than I could before with cardio. Also I went up on some weighted leg work but other than that nothing. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes.

    It's February...the month immediately after January. You've lost 5-6 pounds in not even two months. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be at your GW in a few months.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I hold on to every piece of evidence that shows me what I'm doing is working. Pictures, clothes fitting better, lifting more, running faster/longer, etc.
  • stacezilla
    I've only lost 5-6 lbs since January and I want to lose 16 more. My measurements don't seem to be moving but I can go longer and at a higher level than I could before with cardio. Also I went up on some weighted leg work but other than that nothing. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes.

    It's February...the month immediately after January. You've lost 5-6 pounds in not even two months. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be at your GW in a few months.

    Lol when you put it that way...

    I guess the reason I feel like that is because I haven't really moved since Feb 1
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    The older I get the more motivated I get....and this site helps a lot... I also work with someone who keeps me going...
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I've only lost 5-6 lbs since January and I want to lose 16 more. My measurements don't seem to be moving but I can go longer and at a higher level than I could before with cardio. Also I went up on some weighted leg work but other than that nothing. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes.

    I hope you are eating enough. Eat back those exercise calories, especially if you are stalled. I'm guessing you are at 1200? Reset to lose a 1/2 pound a week, and be prepared to stay at this for a while. And eat.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've only lost 5-6 lbs since January and I want to lose 16 more. My measurements don't seem to be moving but I can go longer and at a higher level than I could before with cardio. Also I went up on some weighted leg work but other than that nothing. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes.

    It's February...the month immediately after January. You've lost 5-6 pounds in not even two months. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll be at your GW in a few months.

    Lol when you put it that way...

    I guess the reason I feel like that is because I haven't really moved since Feb 1

    Ah, so it's like a mini-plateau. Yeah, that all stages of the process. Best advice I can give is during those times, A) if you're confident that your program is legit, keep at it...(or tweak some *minor* things mostly just to change it up for the illusion that it will make a difference. You're just buying time for your progress to resume). Or B) if you're not confident in your approach, like, for example, you think you may be at too high of a deficit, take this opportunity to improve your program.

    ETA: This is all IMHO, of course. Not everyone is wired the same way, so not everyone will take the same approach to these little bumps in the road.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I just remember that this is for LIFE....and that's how long I will be doing it. So if I have some not-so-good days, that's ok because life has its ups and downs. As long as the downs are fewer than the ups, you are ok. My weight loss has slowed considerably the closer I get to my goal....which I expected. But I will get hurry.
  • stacezilla
    I've only lost 5-6 lbs since January and I want to lose 16 more. My measurements don't seem to be moving but I can go longer and at a higher level than I could before with cardio. Also I went up on some weighted leg work but other than that nothing. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes.

    I hope you are eating enough. Eat back those exercise calories, especially if you are stalled. I'm guessing you are at 1200? Reset to lose a 1/2 pound a week, and be prepared to stay at this for a while. And eat.

    I aim for between 1450 and 1600
  • stacezilla
    All helpful advice. Thanks all.
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    I'm having same issue - scale went back 2-3 lb and not moving over a week. I keep at it. At least I know I an getting fitter.
    I motivate myself watching documentaries on obesity when I'm running on a treadmill.