New here

Hello, I have always been one of those people who never had to work at loosing weight, at 5'10 I stayed right aroung 160lbs. I might gain a few on vacation, but I would loose them within a week of two.

I had a heath crisis 2010 and sence am still trying to get it under controle. Many of the medications I have tried have weight gain as a side effect. At times I have been wheel chair bound, I am extreemly sedintary. Exercize can worsen my illness so its a true struggle for me.

My highest weight was 253, I would love to get back down to 170, but I dont see that being realistic unless my heath is vastly improved. My goal is 190, honestly the last time I went to the Dr I was to chicken to look, but I think I am around 225-230.

In Dec under my Dr's suggestion and suppervision compleated a 21 day water fast, It has been emensly helpfull. I have been able to get off most of my medications and my food sensitivitys are much better. I did not do the fast for weight loss, but was happy it was a side effect,I lost a total of 31 lbs. Getting down to 218. I expected to gain much of the weight back after I started eating normaly again, thankfully I have been able to keep much of it off.

My biggest obsticals to weight loss have been medication, inability to exercize, being in to much pain to even care what I eat or how I look. Oh and we just moved into a new home, my Husband has been remodeling the kitchen so It has been realy hard to cook. We have been doing alot of eating out and fast food.

Now that my kitchen is usable again I am ready to start trying. I have done alot of reacherch on nutrition, I would love to be mostly vegetarian. I also feel that "The 16/8 Intermittent Fast" will work well for me. I got realy sick over the weekend, yesterday was the first day I ate normaly.

I am happy to be here and hoping with the comunity support it will be easier to stick with it.