Jillian Michaels& when/what breakfast...?

Hi everyone!
I am a big Jillian Michaels fan from Japan. I'm thinking to workout in the morning before work. I think Jillian said to eat breakfast and wait for a hour before working out (please correct me if i'm wrong ><).

But I don't have time to eat and wait, then workout during busy morning... (and I would like to sleep as much as i can hehe). So I would like to ask other Jillian followers, What do you do for early morning workout? Eat little and workout soon? Not eat?

Please give me some suggestions :) Thanks!


  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    it doesn't matter when you eat. Eat whenever you have time and are comfortable. If the food digesting hinders your exercise performance then I would wait until after.
  • I usually always eat an hour after I get up. And I always eat before I workout cause if I don't I can't get through it if I have an empty stomach cause then I'm just running on fumes. I always wait at least 20 minutes after eating also because I'd rather not hurl.
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    I awake at 6am and go straight into a workout, approximately 40 minutes.
    I sip water throughout and would've normally drank a pint by the time I am all done.
    Immediately after my workout I eat one banana to help refuel my muscles.
    I continue my intake o fluids, usually Green Tea.
    Breakfast is at 10am at my desk at work.
    Incidently, I usually stop eating at 8pm each evening.
  • Thanks everyone! :)
  • RiversideBabe
    RiversideBabe Posts: 75 Member
    Hey! I am actually a member on her site and I was reading about the same thing the other day. She said you don't have to eat before a morning workout. If you're starving have a little bit of protein. I love my sleep too ;) Good luck!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    it doesn't matter when you eat. Eat whenever you have time and are comfortable. If the food digesting hinders your exercise performance then I would wait until after.
  • wow! thank you so much :) i am determined to workout in the morning now!
  • Humans are hunter-gatherers - that means exercise on empty stomach then eat!!