First job + finishing grad school = drastic measures

Hello, whoever you are.

I'm a student finishing up my MA, I got my first real job last year, and I've noticed that I'm not able to work out nearly as much now that I'm also trying to write my master's thesis, which is pretty damn hard since I moved 5 states away from my school. I spend my days sitting at an office chair working away (I walk around and find excuses to go up and down an 11-step staircase, but that's really not a big help) and my evenings are spent working on my laptop.

This is not cool. I love working out, especially with groups or a few friends. I used to do martial arts and taekwondo especially and loved it. In college I continued martial arts and took up jogging with a buddy, as well as long walks by myself.

Now I'm out in a state bordering the Rockies, I can't run a lot of the time because of the snow/ice on the ground. But there are great hiking trails - plenty of hills and mostly incline. So hiking it is for me. I also have access to the Ab ripper and yoga workouts from P90x. I have no idea how good/useful those are, but I've got them.

I guess what I am looking for is advice on how to make the most of a hiking-heavy workout. Any advice is welcome - keep in mind I have roughly two hours after work in which I can work out. The rest has to go to the thesis.

Thanks, and rock on.