Natural motivators... what do you do/know?

specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have a terrible time getting motivated to work out or stick to my health program more often than not due to busy work schedules, depression, lack of sleep, etc...

So what are some things you do, vitamins/supplements you take, or just basic ways you stay or get motivated?

Maybe what you do can help me...

Thanks MFP's!


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I like to use vacations as my motivator. We do a few a year and I like to space them out over 3 months so I have something to look forward to! I mean, who doesn't want to look hot in Vegas? ;)
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    I like to use vacations as my motivator. We do a few a year and I like to space them out over 3 months so I have something to look forward to! I mean, who doesn't want to look hot in Vegas? ;)

    That is a good idea! :)
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    Think about all the reasons WHY you want to be healthy and fit, then write them down. Keep this list posted somewhere that you can see it every day. Don't just jot something down, but really honestly think about why you started this journey to begin with. Yes, work gets in the way, life gets in the way. But if you schedule your workouts every day at the same time, you're more apt to stick to that schedule. My time is early AM. I'm not a morning person AT ALL!!!! But I know that if I wake up and get it done before anyone else is awake, I won't have ANY distractions and I'll have my workout out of the way. It only takes waking up 30 min. earlier. It sounds easier than it actually is, but once you get in the habit, it gets easier and you'll actually have more energy and feel better throughout the whole day!

    Exercise actually reduces depression. So if you feel down, put in your favorite DVD and get going! Have you ever tried Turbo Jam? It is so much dang fun!! I have a big grin on my face practically all the way through the workout! I would suggest taking a good multivitamin daily no matter what and DRINK YOUR WATER!!!

    Ultimately, the motivation has to come from you. We can help encourage you, but we can't make you do anything. However, once you start noticing a difference in the way you look and how you feel, you will start to feel motivated. You can do this! If you miss a day, don't let it stop you in your tracks. Pick back up and start over again! You are worth it and you do deserve to be healthy and fit, and look good. So get started TODAY!! And then come back here and post what you did. Accountability helps SO much too! Will be waiting to hear back from you! :flowerforyou:

  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I get up and get dressed, preferably into some cute workout thingy! something to remind me of my new lifestyle....

    Probably my biggest motivators are my 2 big dogs...they love to go out and will follow me around pleading for me to take them for a walk....and that's usu all it takes. They really are my workout buddies.

    I don't "really" reward for anything I'm obligated to do.
    ex. If my kids pull all As in school, we may pitch in half $ for a Wii game.
    The same goes for me.

    Does that make me very traditional or the recent non-traditional...??
    Thx for the topic.
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