Hello! Just signed up...

...and looking forward to getting into shape and eating healthier. I just got back from a trip to Florida and you know what that meant...BATHING SUITS! UGH! That was not a pleasant experience!. I'm a snacker...BIG TIME! I need to get that under control and drink more water for sure. I'm the most I've ever weighed and not so happy about that. I don't want to be rail thin, I'd just like my clothes to fit better, get toned and have more energy. I know I can do this once I get motivated...I just need a little help. :) I've asked a few friends to join me on this site as well. Any help, advice or new friends would be greatly appreciated!

Good luck to all and have a great day!


    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome Sue!
    I only started a few weeks ago on MFP. The site (also on my iPhone and it's community helps so much! I finally am aware of the calories I've been taking in (ugggh), the lack of water I've been drinking and how much i'm burning in exercise (yippee). I need to get back into shape (get rid of all the jiggle, blubber and water weight I put on) and get tone back into my body. I'd be happy to help if you want to friend me.

    Good luck!
    Pam (toygrrrl)

    Before MFP 157
    Starting MFP 153
    Now! ! ! 145
    Ultimate goal 140