cant get pass GO !

Hi im just wondering if anyone else feels like I do I start off so welk very motivated and do lots of exercise and watch my food intake , and then there is like a switch in my head that stops me iv lost 8pounds since I started but I put that back on every couple of weeks then get it off again this is what I mean by not getting past GO just seems like im my own worse nightmare ! Please if anyone can help or give me some tips I would appreciate it :)


  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I can't see your diary, so not sure what you are eating.

    If your motivation is flagging, review your goals and the reason WHY you want to lose weight, and keep your eyes on the prize!!

    Make sure you are eating enough, and eat good, healthy wholesome foods that keep you fuller for longer: lean protein; fibre; water, lots of fresh veggies and fruit. All good!
  • SweetCrumb
    SweetCrumb Posts: 69 Member
    Wow, that's great post. Love it. Don't know about getting up half an hour earlier though ;)

    Montey I do something similar, I will lose weight, usually around 8kg/17lb and then I will lose my motivation for weeks. This time I've pushed myself on but even today I struggled to get down on my pilates mat and get that exercise in. You just have to keep pushing and not give up or get down on yourself if you miss a day, or two days or a week or a month. The simple fact of getting up and continuing is winning, only not continuing makes you lose.

    To curb my lack of enthusiasm when I see it coming I try to spice up my exercise routine by shifting it around. Then I google yummy healthy recipes or create exercise plans, search for challenges with others on this forum or just find out more about getting healthy. Google around for images of people who are already there and remind yourself that you will look like her one day, she is no different than you and you can get there too. Enough browsing of fitness blogs and images of abs and you'll feel like working on your body too!!
  • Thanks for sharing your motivation and tips really helps me :)