Looking for some exercises a girl over 360lbs can do



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Also if you are gonna walk my Dr told me to walk on the grass instead of the cement easier on our knees and ankles. We have a park with a cement walking trail so I just walk next to it. Also if its hot where you live, a lot of malls open just the inside and you can walk in the air conditioning, usually there are a lot of seniors but it will keep the blood pressure down and yeah there benches when you need them.

    good ideas!

    ah and shoes! Don't forget to invest in some good shoes, it's so worth it for your feet, knees and all the rest of your joints!! Good shoes for everyone!! But especially when we are heavier it's even more important:drinker: Ah! Don't forget your bottle of water when out excercising:wink:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I have one of those bicycles that are like the steppers. It's good but I can't do alot. Yesterday I did 15 minutes but I can't go the whole 15 minutes I had to split them up.

    That is awesome! Any exercise is exercise. Don't let others judge you or even you judging yourself. Just get up and keep doing it. Anything you don't normally do in the day is a step in the right direction :smile:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I started on here at 340 lbs. I can guarantee that skipping would absolutely kill your knees. Don't even think of trying that. Forget everything bouncing around!

    Try aquafit classes or lane swimming. The water is a great support and you put very little stress on your joints. The recumbant bike is good and when you get some stamina, the elliptical is great. Work our with some weights as well. Start light and work up from there. Any muscle you develop will help to burn more calories

    I am at a point now where I can do an hour on the elliptical and work out with weights for an hour or more easily. I go hiking and have joined a dragon boat team. You just have to start doing something and then the possibilities are endless.

    Good luck and join us on the over 300 thread!