Exhausted after work out

Hey all. I was wondering if this happens to anyone else. When I work out, my usual workout is Zumba with some circuit training, and if not p90x. Zumba is usually done at 10/1030 in the morning depending on the instructor and the circuit training is done before or after and that is only for like 20 mins. Sometimes it's just Zumba. Either way, by 130-2 in the afternoon I am exhausted. LIke to the point I need to nap. I wake myself up after 20 minutes so I don't sleep too late and really can only do it if my youngest is napping. Is this normal? My friend told me to up my protein but I already go over it everyday, I don't see how I could eat anymore lol.

I don't know if it's because during the rest of the day I"m either driving the kids somewhere, cleaning, doing one of the bazillion stay at home mom jobs. I get about 7-8 hours a night for sleep. Which for me is great because when I get any more I feel awful the next day. And this only happens on days that I work out. I just wanted to see if it happens to anyone else and if so what do you do?


  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Hey all. I was wondering if this happens to anyone else. When I work out, my usual workout is Zumba with some circuit training, and if not p90x. Zumba is usually done at 10/1030 in the morning depending on the instructor and the circuit training is done before or after and that is only for like 20 mins. Sometimes it's just Zumba. Either way, by 130-2 in the afternoon I am exhausted. LIke to the point I need to nap. I wake myself up after 20 minutes so I don't sleep too late and really can only do it if my youngest is napping. Is this normal? My friend told me to up my protein but I already go over it everyday, I don't see how I could eat anymore lol.

    I don't know if it's because during the rest of the day I"m either driving the kids somewhere, cleaning, doing one of the bazillion stay at home mom jobs. I get about 7-8 hours a night for sleep. Which for me is great because when I get any more I feel awful the next day. And this only happens on days that I work out. I just wanted to see if it happens to anyone else and if so what do you do?

    Try some quick oats or some quick carbs about 30 minutes before working out. Going over on protein is okay, especially if you are going by the numbers on mfp. After working out are you taking a shake or anything? You might try a protein shake after working out, it sounds like you might be just running out of gas/fuel for the body.
  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks! I'm also gluten free so carbs are hard but I do replace the gluten things with non gluten carbs. Maybe i need to up that some.

    EDIT: I just started gluten free this month and this was happening before as well. Maybe even then i wasn't eating enough carbs.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Thanks! I'm also gluten free so carbs are hard but I do replace the gluten things with non gluten carbs. Maybe i need to up that some.

    EDIT: I just started gluten free this month and this was happening before as well. Maybe even then i wasn't eating enough carbs.

    You can try that, remember carbs are some of the quickest energy sources we have available to us.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    That's normal---you are in the Superwoman phase of your life....raising a family, maybe working too. You'll be exhausted until your 40's ......your nutrition is key to your energy levels. Concentrate on getting that set and the rest will come..Good luck.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    I agree with the others that said you may need more carbs, since your diary isn't open I can't see how much you are eating. Being dehydrated can also make you feel fatigued, make sure you are drinking water throughout the day. I sometimes get sleepy in the afternoons too and a cup of green tea with a small snack usually helps.
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I have the same problem. I think having kids is exhausting:) Various research has shown that taking a 15-20 minute nap can be good for you. I would say enjoy the short nap on the days your littlest will let you nap.
  • annekestreet
    I have the same problem too....amd shattered 90% odf the time !! When you have kids its just the way it is !!

    Wish I had the time to powernap :o(
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Exercise does not energize me. It exhausts me. Always has. It's not carbs, carbs make it worse. It's not new, I've been this way forever. When people say exercise gives them energy, I just think they don't work hard enough. When you work your body to failure, you shouldn't feel energy, you should feel completely spent. It's normal. Lol. I don't get these people that say exercise gives them energy. WTF!

    I don't have energy from working out til much later if that makes sense. If I work out early in the morning, usually I'll be dragging for a bit usually til around noon, then come midafternoon I get a burst.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Exercise does not energize me. It exhausts me. Always has. It's not carbs, carbs make it worse. It's not new, I've been this way forever. When people say exercise gives them energy, I just think they don't work hard enough. When you work your body to failure, you shouldn't feel energy, you should feel completely spent. It's normal. Lol. I don't get these people that say exercise gives them energy. WTF!

    I don't have energy from working out til much later if that makes sense. If I work out early in the morning, usually I'll be dragging for a bit usually til around noon, then come midafternoon I get a burst.

    Overall, in a general sense, I have tons more energy for life. Yes. But, not after a workout. I think that's a cardio bunny thing or something. I've never understood it.

    Maybe they are going til they get the runners high then stopping. I know when I was training for a 10k, I would get a runners high sometimes, where I'd be running then all of a sudden boom, I'd get this big burst of energy.