Back at it!

I'm 33 years old and I'm back at trying to live healthy. I had lost 50 pounds since my heart attack 2 years ago and well i have gained it all back. I'm sick of not being able to breath just walking to the end of my drive way. The more weight you put on it stresses your heart. I need all the motivation and support i can get. So please feel free to add me . :)


  • Fitnesswanted
    Fitnesswanted Posts: 8 Member

    Congratulations on making it back and trying to live a healthier life! You lost it once you can lose it again; it will only serve to make you stronger!
    I'd love to read that you have made it to the end of your driveway feelin' fine and then beyond! Why not post your progress in small steps, it makes you accountable...that's something I'm trying to do!
  • ClaireMal
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Chuckdamage
    Chuckdamage Posts: 7 Member
    Not stopping is the key to success I have been at this for three years and refuse to stop.